(10-09-2018, 02:15 PM)silentsnore Wrote: Just curious, did anyone actually measured what kind of RF/EMF is radiated from heated hose? Measured amplitude? Spectrum?
I only got simple values. Here's some readings I got from my EMF meter (LIUMY LM7001). Caveat: the words "harmful" and "safe" are based on internal setup made by the manufacturer, not W.H.O. standards.
The readings, although may not be that accurate, were still a presumptive indication of EMF presence. The electric field readings at the end of the tube was practically the same as that given off by an electrical outlet at home (230V AC, single phase, 60Hz.)
Personally, I'm not worried about it. But I understand the prudence of just using non-heated tube, as suggested.
Machine powered but on standby:
End of Climateline Air Heated Tube (recognized as such by the A10, which was still on standby):