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As a mouth breather I use a full face mask. I'm on Auto at 17/19. Over the course of a month or so I've encountered a weird situation at least to me. I've tried using the mask two different ways. To stop my mouth breathing I use cloth surgical tape over my mouth. I get AHI readings around 1.5. However, it is harder for me to breathe with the tape through my nose. When I don't use the tape I breathe better but my AHI goes up. Last night I didn't use the tape and it was 5.5.
The breathing issue happens immediately when I turn on my APAP. Without tape I keep my mouth shut at least before I fall asleep and my breathing is normal which make me believe the tape is screwing up the physics going on with the air pressure. Why my AHI goes up without tape is a mystery to me. I have no masks leaks.
I am using a Flex of 2. I was thinking of trying 3 but doesn't that also lessen the air pressure?
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What type of events are increasing your AHI? You might try posting a daily chart of each of a tape night and a non tape night. Also, try Googling: "breathing through your nose".
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Post SleepyHead charts so you can get help evaluating the problem. Maybe one taped and the other not.
It’s possible the issue is mask leaks or positional. It will be clear from charts.
Why are you using an FFM if you don’t want to breathe through your mouth?
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Your pressure is close enough to the maximum capability of your machine that bilevel might not be a bad choice. An alternative to taping might also be the soft cervical collar. It tends to put enough pressure on the back of the jaw to encourage a closed mouth without the discomfort and weirdness of taping. As suggested above, we will be glad to offer any help or perspective we can, if you post some data.