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How do I get ResMed headgear off of F&P Simplus mask to clean?
Brand new to this whole thing.
I've slept 3 nights with CPAP thus far and have been wiping my F&P Simplus mask with Seventh Generation Sensitive Skin baby wipes everyday as kind of a shortcut to keeping it clean enough, but I'd like to actually remove the headgear and clean the mask in soapy water now...
Stopping me is the fact that I can't figure out how to remove the headgear from the mask - the white part that says ResMed on it in the photo.
Does that white part that says ResMed unhook in some way from the front of the mask? Or is the gray strap supposed to pull out from the white part that says ResMed?
Hesitant to start pulling and pushing every which way lest I cause some kind of damage.
12-24-2022, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2022, 04:52 PM by StratCat48.)
RE: How do I get ResMed headgear off of F&P Simplus mask to clean?
Not sure how the ResMed headgear connects to the frame (hook&loop Velcro?), but the mask can unsnap from the frame so it can be washed as shown in this Youtube video link...
12-24-2022, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2022, 05:44 PM by LordHelmet.)
RE: How do I get ResMed headgear off of F&P Simplus mask to clean?
Thanks for the reply, StratCat48. I'm also unsure how the ResMed headgear hooks to the frame. It's certainly not Velcro - that would be easy. It all looks like plastic to me.
I'm actually familiar with the video you linked to. Are you talking about what that guy is doing at the :38 mark? He sort of shimmies and unhooks it from the frame as far as I can tell, but whatever I have going on here doesn't do that. This thing is firmly affixed.
And I wish I knew why I have ResMed headgear with an F&P Simplus mask. I didn't notice this when I first got it to be able to ask about it and now here I am. It's making me wonder if the mask I was given is a different one than the F&P requested.
RE: How do I get ResMed headgear off of F&P Simplus mask to clean?
Our exchange led me to look a little more carefully and - eureka - they actually gave me a ResMed Airfit F20 mask, which is why the F&P video makes no sense. And why I have ResMed headgear.
Why they gave me this, I don't know - the F&P Simplus was what was requested by my doc, but the Airfit F20 is very comfortable in any case.
OK, off to watch assembly/disassembly videos and change my profile details. Ha.