10-22-2013, 06:01 PM
just wanna brag
hey all just wanted to drop by and say LOOK HOW GOOD IM DOING!!
I have been on the hose for just shy of a week now and tracking my progress in sleepyhead so without further rambling here are my average numbers for the week.
AHI: 0.81
average pressure: 9.17
95% pressure: 14.42
average leaks: 0.91
95% leaks 4.8
All at an average of 8 hours per night. And I feel amazing my fiance loves this machine as much as I do.
RE: just wanna brag
Hey jeepersheart,
GREAT to hear how well you're doing.
RE: just wanna brag
Great job, jeepers!
I'm on my 2nd week and people around me already tell me how I changed! I feel a lot more energetic and less hungry, too!