RE: Dreamstation CPAP vs Aircurve BiPap data? Data over time for Insp/Exp?
The machine is detecting inspiration an provides pressure support, then drops to EPAP. The expiratory flow is missing...where did it go? It went under that mask? This is a pretty classic wave-form but more common with a nasal mask or pillows.
RE: Dreamstation CPAP vs Aircurve BiPap data? Data over time for Insp/Exp?
Well the pulmonologist/Sleep doctor did find where the air did go... not under the mask.. through the mask. The Co2 vents also let out shallow painful breaths that the machine isn't picking as inspirations either. The machine isn't "smart" enough so it is splitting a single one my breaths into two very shallow inhales/exhales... it's also flagging a ton of CA/OA/Hypos that aren't any of those but rather my own painful breathing or variable breathing.
Love the new doctor.. he actually read through my complicated medical history before meeting me then sat with me for about an hour on our first appointment. Complete 180 from Dr. Quacky. Insurance accepted me switching to him for primary for sleep as well since my situation is "complicated" it warranted a dual specialty with pulmonology.
I get to send the very painful BiPap machine back to whence it came and go back to my CPAP. O2 drops are not related to sleep apena, which is very well controlled.. but rather the pain (duh). Which goes back to the PE / collapsed lung in the fall. He belives (from imaging) there is scar tissue between the left lung and the chest wall causing an infarc. Unfortunately, other than treating the pain there are really no good answers. Some further testing as to why my lung capacity is still sub 35% on the left side once hospitals/universities start opening back up for non-life-threatening procedures.
Thank you to everyone who put time into trying puzzle through the data/charts.. at least we know there was a reason why things weren't lining up now
RE: Dreamstation CPAP vs Aircurve BiPap data? Data over time for Insp/Exp?
Thanks for the update. It sure was puzzling to see the really bizarre wave-form with no expiration. I'm glad you are under better care and hope you find a solution to the pain and discomfort. The shutdowns have badly affected a lot of people that need care for "elective" procedures. Had we figured out that the machine was splitting your breaths, we could have increased the minimum time of inspiration so it held support longer, but it's really best that with your complications that you found a doctor that is willing an able to help. Please keep us informed how things go for you.