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Flow Rate - Smooth when awake vs Choppy when asleep?
Why is my flow rate smooth curves while I'm awake, then choppy with a flat spot when I fall asleep. ALL of my sleeping flow rates look like image B (with a flat spot). ... They look like momentary CA events on every single breath! Like a short version of the CA event in image C.
ALL of my sleeping flow rates look like this since I started using my machine 5 months ago, so I haven't been too concerned about it. My guess is that it is that as I relax and fall asleep, my breathing moves to a consistent pattern of a pause between exhale and inhale on every single breath. Does that sound like a good guess? My guesses shouldn't always be trusted, so I thought I'd see what the community thought!
Image A - Awake
Image B - Asleep
Image C - An event tagged as CA