The ingestion of air into the alimentary tract is called 'aerophagia'....air eating. It is very common. So common in PAP therapy that there are frequent complaints about it on this forum.
Generally, but not necessarily, the higher one's pressure the worse it gets, and its occurrence takes place often due to one's sleeping posture as well. For me, it happens when I sleep on my back. I'm an air swallower par excellence, and do it all day long. And night...most nights, or every night but to varying extents.
Ideally, but perhaps not effectively, you would reduce your pressures to the point where aerophagia no longer intrudes. But if you are being well treated, and if your machine occasionally reaches its upper set limit for pressure, I wouldn't bet that you'd hang onto a good AHI reading each morning if you turned it down more than a cm or so.
Others will offer their comments very soon; please be patient and consider all options that you can....ummmm…..stomach.
My aerophagia happens on breathing out. I was able to reduce my aerophagia by switching to VAuto and reducing the pressures but making use of it's comfort settings instead, my settings : very high trigger, very high cycle, rise time 300ms, ti max 3.5 , ti min 0.8, and easybreathe OFF.
I agree Crowtor that it occurs when exhaling.
So I applied a 1cm EPR to see if that makes a difference,
I will let it run for a while and maybe increase EPR then back off and see what happens.
Thanks for your input