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I posted about two weeks ago mentioning that my AHI increased after I recovered from Covid. Somebody suggested for me to increase the pressure from 10 to 11 which I did. My AHI is still within the normal range. It used to be around 1 now it's around 2. I know this is not a huge difference but can someone take a look at the data from Oscar and see if there is something I can do to help?
The first 2 Graphs are pre-covid and the last one is from last night which is after covid.
Machine: Lowenstein Luisa Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Quattro FX Humidifier: separate F&P humidifier CPAP Pressure: Epap 4-20 PS 4-20; "auto" rate CPAP Software: Not using software
Other Comments: Using 45 degree angle upper body wedge (36"x36") and 4.5"soft cervical collar; 500 assured tidal vol
01-11-2024, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 09:06 PM by Jay51.)
RE: Higher AHI after Covid Recovery - Oscar Data
Looking at the statistics, nothing seems to deviate much from charts 1, 2, and 3 IMO. The only thing that stands out is a period from about 3am to 4am on chart #3 with your leaks being a bit larger than normal. And that could be from the slight increase in pressure (or not - it could be from a position change, etc.).
That being said, I have seen a few member's charts where the post-covid OSCAR charts were significantly worse. Maybe try a few more nights at the higher pressure to see if you notice any differences. Trends (multiple nights) are usually much more accurate than a single, random night also.
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01-11-2024, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 10:02 PM by DancesWithCats.)
RE: Higher AHI after Covid Recovery - Oscar Data
Given numerous personal acquaintances with some symptoms persisting long after the acute phase and positive test results I'd hardly be surprised if some effects on AHI persisted quite a while.
That's simply in the dragged-out respiratory symptoms, not even getting into things more typically classed as "long covid."
To put that another way, perhaps you're not actually fully recovered, yet, at some level.
Settings-wise, I'm no expert, but if I was hitting 10.48 I'd give the machine more headroom than 11. I see you were bouncing off 10 in the before shots. Given it's just a limit to the auto setting and will only go there if needed, perhaps 15 rather than 12, but in any case, see where it goes and keep an eye on the statistics page. If you set the max to 15 and it never goes over 12, perhaps turn down after a month or so. If you go to 15 and you start seeing 14.5's, consider tuning up more, perhaps.
I left mine on the 4-20 the DME set it up with for a long time. Presently my maximum setting is above the 6 month maximum stat and below the 1-year maximum, stat, and quite a bit above the 1 month maximum stat. If I had a night where I got within 1 of of the current setting, I'd bump it up again.
I don't think this has to do with covid. Take a look at your chart at the beginning of the night. You had several Oa events together. That is a sign of Positional Apnea. No changes in your machine will help - you must stay out of the position that caused the Positional Apnea. Sleeping on your back or with higher pillows can cause this. It is also known as chin tucking when your chin drops down to your sternum cutting off your own airway.
Stay out of the position and your numbers will be as low as before covid.