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OK, been having a time trying to find something, so if anyone can help, that would be great.
I would love to see a flowrate graph, generated by Oscar, not textbook, that shows near-perfect smooth breathing without any spikes or turbulence save for the few periods of REM. More specifically , I would like to see two...one being a complete night view, and the other being a zoomed in 2 minute view in order to see the smoothness and consistent peaks and valleys of each breath.
And to be sure, no one wants to know any specific info or personal or medical info, just a good example please .
[attachment=59425 Wrote:dataq1 pid='502196' dateline='1707535803']A bit more specific, you mean an actual example of class 1 flow morphology?
I’ve often wondered if they exist in the “real world”
Uhhh, class 1 flow morphology? . You got me on that one. Please see attached and see if that helps explain this request. Thanks.
(02-10-2024, 03:59 PM)dataq1 Wrote: Yes , your depicted “nice breath” is very close to what some medical journal articles refer to as class 1.
Yep, then that is what I am looking for, a real world example of someone on PAP, or not, and their airflow traces that look real quiet and smooth and subtle and easy like Sunday morning . There has to be some examples out there, and I would love to have to serve as a goal to shoot for, realistically that is. Know where I could find some of these examples? Thanks again.
Not sure if this counts as "near perfect" as I have quite a few spikes, but it's getting closer. Even in the sections that are smooth, there is a slight waviness to the strip when slightly zoomed in. Pressure 8.2-13 w/ EPR 3 5 min ramp
Thanks Techie! So you have some smoooooth breaths there, and simply on a APAP device with EPR 3? So do these breaths represent most of your sleep, or what would you guess?
The above night was definitely my best by far (back up to almost 4 AHI today), but I still have a lot of interruptions to that pattern with spikes, see attached. They seem to occur every 10 minutes or so. Maybe that's normal. I felt better than usual, which makes today's brain fog feel hard.