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01-03-2020, 12:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2020, 12:48 PM by jeepfan30.)
Help reviewing my chart
I have been lurking this very informative forum for a few months trying to get the best treatment from my CPAP machine. I was diagnosed with mild OSA a couple years ago, but struggled to sleep through the night with the mask on my face. In the beginning the pressure was to high to tolerate, then I learned how to adjust is myself last year. I lowered the pressure to 4.2-4.8 and turned off EPR a couple months ago and can now finally sleep 5-7 hours per night comfortable. However, I still feel sleepy many days and as wondering if someone could take a look at my settings and chart please? Thanks,
You have minor clustering of obstructive events indicating some chin tucking, keep it in mind but no big deal.
Your pressures being maxed imply a possible issue with flow limits, that and the RERAs and Hypopneas. I would add EPR to address that. You implied a problem with EPR but you didn't describe what that was. And please always include the Flow Limit chart when seeking advice.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
01-03-2020, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2020, 03:47 PM by jeepfan30.)
RE: Help reviewing my chart
Thanks for taking a look for me, I really appreciate it. I actually turned Ramp and EPR off at the same time, I was always waking up 45 minutes into my sleep with Ramp enabled. I turned EPR off based off posts I read on here, but I just turned it back on to #1 setting.
I have noticed some chin tucking, I will try one of the neck pillows or rolled up towel.
I included a few more days of data to help see if there are any trends you might be able to identify. Again, thanks for taking the time to help me understand all this!
You have a lot of flow limitations, you need to increase your EPR to treat it. I suspect you will need EPR = 3 or possibly more. Also your chin tucking is more prominent than in your original chart. You need a collar (read the wiki in my signature, soft cervical collar)
Set EPR = 3
min Pressure = 7 (4 + 3)
Max Pressure = 10 (enough for the machine to work and see if you still have an issue)
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Thread resurrection time, sorry. After 12 months of trial/error trying to find my optimal CPAP settings I went back and re-read your last recommendations.
I've found that when sleeping on my side, anything over pressure of 8 causes aerophagia, but when on my back 8 is fine. So, I have my pressure set to fixed 7, with EPR 3. I have continued to suffer from flow limitations and finally got a soft cervical collar and used it last night, chart is attached. Aside from the leak for the first hour I think things went well.
I will try the same settings tonight, hopefully without the leak. Just curious what your thoughts are at this point? During the last 12 months I have mainly stuck with a fixed pressure of 5 and EPR off. My AHI was decent, but I continued to feel exhausted the following day. Thank you for all your advise, I really didn't consider FL to such a big factor until going back and reading so many threads about its affects.