10-16-2023, 10:52 AM
Help with a research project
Earlier this year, a colleague and I published an article in the medical literature, describing the “vibratory snore defect” in Respironics CPAP machines; see https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.....2022.0145 .
A Sleep Medicine physician I’m working with hypothesizes that the vibratory snores (VSs) that these machines sense erroneously have a particular pattern: they are more regular than real snores, i.e. the time interval between “snores” is identical for a given patient.
I’m hoping one of the OSCAR team might be able to help us develop a way to test this out. Of course, my colleague’s data is in Encore, so the ideal would be to measure intervals in Encore, but even if we can do it in OSCAR that would be a big help. (I have my own data in OSCAR to start with.)
We’d be happy to include you as co-author on any medical publications that result, if that’s of interest.
A Sleep Medicine physician I’m working with hypothesizes that the vibratory snores (VSs) that these machines sense erroneously have a particular pattern: they are more regular than real snores, i.e. the time interval between “snores” is identical for a given patient.
I’m hoping one of the OSCAR team might be able to help us develop a way to test this out. Of course, my colleague’s data is in Encore, so the ideal would be to measure intervals in Encore, but even if we can do it in OSCAR that would be a big help. (I have my own data in OSCAR to start with.)
We’d be happy to include you as co-author on any medical publications that result, if that’s of interest.