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Flow Rate Forms
Flow Rate Forms
Hi everyone. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this forum.
I am very happy to see those who make serious comments about flow rate and make suggestions based on this graph.
I will share with you my flow rate forms from 3 different nights.
Are these shapes affecting my breathing quality? Accordingly, can I stick more to the settings I used that night?
Can we say that this shape is more beautiful than the others?

Thank you very much.

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RE: Flow Rate Forms
The fixed 7 nights have flow-limited peaks, so I would venture that fixed 7 is not the proper pressure. The night with fixed 8 looks good with nicely rounded peaks. 

The reason the fixed 8 night is better is likely a mix of both a wee bit more pressure and also you increased EPR to 3. I suggest staying with fixed 8 for a few more nights and posting another few charts. 

One thing to keep an eye on is your tidal volume. Depending on your height, weight, etc, a TV of around 300 may be a bit low. Nothing to be concerned about at the moment, just something to watch.
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RE: Flow Rate Forms
(04-26-2024, 09:18 AM)PeaceLoveAndPizza Wrote: The fixed 7 nights have flow-limited peaks, so I would venture that fixed 7 is not the proper pressure. The night with fixed 8 looks good with nicely rounded peaks. 

The reason the fixed 8 night is better is likely a mix of both a wee bit more pressure and also you increased EPR to 3. I suggest staying with fixed 8 for a few more nights and posting another few charts. 

One thing to keep an eye on is your tidal volume. Depending on your height, weight, etc, a TV of around 300 may be a bit low. Nothing to be concerned about at the moment, just something to watch.
Ok, I will try 8.00 for couple of night. Thanks for your suggestion. 

The amount of tidal volume confuses me, too.

I am 170cm and 80kg. The required Tidal volume for me is between 400-500 according to my body mass index.
I would like to ask this; There is a formulaic relationship between tidal volume and minute ventilation.
So which is more important? So when I combine low tidal volume with higher number of breaths,  I reach minute ventilation average is 6L./min. Can we say there is no problem then?
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