12-19-2015, 02:05 PM
RE: High leaks but good therapy
I liked it better on the older when I couldn't dissect numbers either. LOL I started in 2007, probably had LL's the whole time and didn't know it. It was such an improvement from where I was I didn't know any better. Now I'm REALLY rested. Keep after it!!
(12-18-2015, 08:11 PM)PastorMeador Wrote: I am on auto. I just went out and got a chin strap. Been on cpap since 2005 and have never had the kind of trouble I have had since switching to this new machine. I used the CPAP Pro mouth guard style for years. But the auto pressure had too much play in it. Then tried a nasal pillow and couldn't back it. Went back to the very first mask I wore in the Comfortgel Blue. Finally making progress!! I almost liked it better when I just put the thing on and didn't have all these nu!bers to worry about!!