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Hoping to Escape
Hoping to Escape
Hello.  I was recently diagnosed as needing cpap, but have little faith in the folks at the sleep center as well as the diagnosis.  Regardless, I'm trying the machine, attempting to get some data.  If I can post some data here, is it possible to get either a head shake or nod as to whether this therapy might indeed benefit me?

For the sleep test, I slept only about 3 hours induced by my first-ever sleeping pill.  I'm hoping that the diagnosis was inaccurate and the therapy unneeded!  Nevertheless, I'm willing to try.  So far, sleeping with this has been difficult.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
sleeping with cpap gets easier with time and in the end is much easier than dealing with the effects of apnea. few of us actually like cpap but we do like to sleep 'normally'. the fact that you made it as far as the sleep center and were diagnosed is a pretty strong indicator that you suffer from apnea. it is possible the sleeping pill could worsen apnea and anyone is capable of making a mistake, but my guess is that they have pretty strict protocol for making a diagnosis. best to proceed with as positive an attitude as you can muster while you adapt, wrestle with mask fit and get pressures optimized. believe me when I say the end justifies the means and I hope the 'end', meaning optimal treatment, comes to you in short order (I think it's an extreme example but it's taken me almost 3 years to be reasonably confident my treatment is improving my condition). do post data charts for member interpretation and feedback.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
You have a very good machine that can handle most problems that arise. We can help you to optimize the settings to ensure you get what you need. Please don't hesitate to attach some charts, and ask for opinions. Instructions for organizing and attaching charts are linked in my signature links. The people at the sleep cnter do a pretty good job of diagnosing the problem and getting you started, but if you take charge of your therapy and learn to use the information OSCAR provides, you can usually realize a lot of improvements. The therapy you understand and control is pretty good motivation, and you can be sure it will be as good as possible.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
I'd say you're having to face some rather major and stark changes...and novelty.  I don't know anyone for whom that would come easily.  

You must, as Sleep Rider says, look first to maintaining your motivation.  Then, one of the principles of war comes to play: maintenance of the aim.  Another, momentum.  At least, a principle of armoured warfare (tanks).  You have to keep going.  Persist.  Be determined to master this, just as you have supposedly mastered several other endeavours and pursuits.  It's worth it!!

Get used to your new reality by spending time in it.  Don the apparatus and watch TV or read in bed.  This was recommended to me, and it helped a lot.  By the time I had to turn off the light and turn on my side, it was becoming second nature.  (Then, I learned I couldn't sleep on my side with my nasal cushion.  Huhsign )

Your orientation to this is what will determine your success.  If you insist on hating it...………………………………………..
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RE: Hoping to Escape
Three years to confidence in your treatment, Sleepless! And I should worry that one week is frustrating. Sigh. Well, first I'd love assurance that this therapy is needed. My concern about posting data is whether you can tell if I was actually asleep or just TRYING to sleep. Can you tell when a person is asleep from the data? So far, I attempt to sleep for several hours, then remove the mask. 

Sleeprider says you all can help optimize settings. Good! The sleep center basically said go buy a machine and call us if you have a problem.

I just went and read several success stories on this forum. I know my attitude will need better nourishment. My sister began CPAP about a year ago and slept 9 hours the first night! And has continued successfully ever since. She says she looked at it as her friend.

I thought sleeping on one's side would be okay as there was air coming from the other side. Oops! Maybe not.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
Insopita, do you have a copy of your sleep report that you could post? That might be helpful, along with a chart from Oscar.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
(05-20-2019, 09:11 PM)Insopita Wrote: .. if I was actually asleep or just TRYING to sleep. Can you tell when a person is asleep from the data? So far, I attempt to sleep for several hours, then remove the mask. 

I thought sleeping on one's side would be okay as there was air coming from the other side. Oops! Maybe not.

The machine only registers what it thinks is an obstruction or restriction, or a central apnea.  It cannot tell if/when you are asleep.  However, smart watches and fitness trackers can tell, and even when you are in 'deep' sleep' or restless.  If you could see your way to getting one of those, plus the app to control and monitor on your smartphone, you'll soon learn in graphic form how much and how well you sleep, although not as refined as with all the gizmos at a sleep lab.

I had intended to relate that you CAN sleep on your side.  I now do it, and rather easily.  I had originally despaired of ever getting back to that best-for-falling-asleep position, for me, but after about six months it seemed to happen, and I have yet to record a single 'large' leak in my now 18 months of therapy.  So, just as you can learn to live with the idea and protocol of masking up each night, and having to fall asleep that way, you'll eventually teach yourself how to sleep as you like, just maybe not on your tummy (my other preferred way, but I'm not giving up just yet...  Big Grin ). 

Very sincerely, and soberly, your mind is your greatest asset here.  Decide that you're going to win the war here, and it'll happen.  You may get spanked the odd night, maybe even a whole week, but you'll win most of the battles, and soon you'll have a trusted general to whom you can leave the entire affair; with some supervision and the odd tweak, your machine and its accessories will have you in good quality sleep, and lots of it.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
Here is my first attempt at an attachment.  This is from last night.  I was awake probably the first hour, and also awoke around 2:45.  But at least I slept some!  When I awoke, I remembered the posting from Mesenteria.  My mind is my asset!  Before I knew it, I was asleep again.  [Image: cool.gif]

It was suggested I also post my sleep study.  Off I go to figure out how....
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RE: Hoping to Escape
Looks like my report did not get attached properly.  Will try again.
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RE: Hoping to Escape
Is this attachment okay? Appears to be copying the Profile rather than the Daily page even though the Daily page is front and center.
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