How to set Ti min and Ti max?
Hey all,
I just got my Aircurve 10 VAuto and am super hyped. Could someone help me set ti min and ti max though? The default is 0.3 and 2.0 respectively, but I heard 3.0 ti max is better for some. I have UARS from nasal congestion and a narrow pharyngeal airway. Here's some screenshots of my current breathing:
Not sure if this is relevant, but here's my current insp/exp for an average day.
Min Med 95% 99.5%
Insp. Time
Exp. Time
Similarly, any suggestions for trigger and cycle? Debating whether to set trigger at medium (the default) high/very high (seems to have the highest rate of success from people here). I'm leaning towards high.
RE: How to set Ti min and Ti max?
It's always best to start with default settings so you have a baseline to refer to.
These can be changed if needed.
You are correct in that some folk are more comfortable with a little higher Ti max, but wait and see how you feel after a few days of use.
Others may have advice on a higher Ti max for you. I have mine set to 2.6 as I always felt like a needed a bit longer time for inspiration, but don't always reach that high. It's just there if I need it.
Default settings are:
Ti max 2.0sec
Ti min 0.3s
Trigger and cycle = med
RE: How to set Ti min and Ti max?
As Rose said, after you get your first chart we can tell if any changes need to be made. In general, we will not change TiMin for users with normal spontaneous respiration. TiMax controls the longest time the machine will maintain IPAP before cycling back to EPAP, however spontaneous expiration will normally cycle sooner. For individuals with larger tidal volume or long inspiratory time, we may increase the TiMax above 2-seconds, but generally less than 3-seconds. If you look at your Time of Inspiration chart and see a flat line at TiMax, you probably need to increase the setting unless you have COPD and need to preserve more expiratory time.
RE: How to set Ti min and Ti max?
Ah sorry, I only saw this after I tried last night with Ti max 3.0 and Ti min 0.3, trigger high and cycle med. Based on my old insp times being over 2.0, I thought this was reasonable? med/95/99.5 =
2.46, [color=var(--darkreader-inline-color)]3.32, [/color]
4.36. Here's the OSCAR of last night:
RE: How to set Ti min and Ti max?
We recommend all therapy related questions be kept in one thread to avoid not having your therapy settings or other important background information. We will answer your questions, but please try to keep related therapy information together.
RE: How to set Ti min and Ti max?
Ah okay sorry, I'll keep all my therapy updates in the other thread, i.e the one I linked, from now on. At this point, should I just keep my Ti max and trigger how I had it yesterday for consistency?