Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
I use a Dream Station 2 and every morning while having coffee and going through email, forums, and a few other things I give a quick check to Dream Mapper to see how the previous night went. Typically the numbers I see are good so I haven't felt the need to dig further with an Alpha version of OSCAR (yet). I did the same with my Dream Station 1, although I looked at OSCAR a couple times more as a curiosity to see what was in there along with my O2Ring data imported.
Many here use OSCAR and probably a good few use Dream Mapper (Resperonics) or MyAir (Resmed).
- Wondering if you use the respective app plus OSCAR or do you just use one or the other.
- How often do you check your data? Daily, weekly, or just if you didn't seem to sleep well?
RE: Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
OSCAR; I only check if I don't sleep well or if I have a few consecutive nights with high AHI (>3)
RE: Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
I've had my machine for seven plus years. My machine stopped reporting to MyAir some time ago, and I haven't looked at MyAir in years. Of late I upload to OSCAR every couple of months, but I look at the machine's screen (Essentials Plus) every morning.
RE: Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
Essentials plus on the machines screen nearly every day, OSCAR if I need to know more.
That said, it was OSCAR daily until I was dialed in, MyAir never had enough data to figure out what was going on.
RE: Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
MyAir I tinkered with in the very beginning (2.5 years ago) but I have since kept my machine in airplane mode.
ResScan just to see what it was about and to sometimes help other users.
OSCAR all the way for me. Usually peek at the data 3 or 4 times a week just to keep on top of things
RE: Looking at Your Data - Which App & How Often?
I glance at the report on machine daily, and download OCSAR data to my computer weekly.