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I'm done.
RE: I'm done.
(09-02-2018, 05:16 PM)Earlsgirl Wrote: They wouldn't let me change the pressure. I asked. BELIEVE ME, I asked. And I was warned not to mess with the machine, itself.

oh yeah... They always say that . I learnt to change the machine setup in this Forum (i.e. pressure ranges & many other options therein  ! )  . They even discouraged me to produce the charts by myself  using the ResMed software !!  I joint this Forum to use SleepyHead program, get charts and took screenshots for SleepRider & OpalRose to inerprete & give me advices .
I heard somewhere  the quotation : " Doing the same thing and expect different results is a sign of insanity " and I am sure do not like being called an insane guy at all !! Dielaughing Dielaughing
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RE: I'm done.
I'm not too good at finding my way around on this site. But, yes, I would like to buy (reasonably priced!) one to set it to what I want. We live in a rural area, and there is only one pulmonologist in the area. I was stuck. The pulmonologist said that if I lost fifteen pounds I could get rid of it. I was MOTIVATED. I dropped about 10, and the PA said it was enough and to turn in the machine. I notice more arrhythmia events since I turned in the machine. But otherwise, I'm doing well--sleeping well, working on the weight. I just checked my oxygen--96 (we're at a high elevation, so this is good) and  87 pulse. Walking over 2 miles most days. I haven't decided whether this arrhythmia issue is worth getting another CPAP or not. Thank you for the support. I haven't decided yet. Unsure whether I can get a CPAP without a prescription, though.
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RE: I'm done.
I didn't want to have issues with insurance and medicare who purchased the machine. They required that I be on it 4 hours a day and not to mess with the settings because it was a prescription. (I had to keep turning in the chip for them to study--to be sure I wasn't cheating.) So, I obeyed since I didn't want trouble down the road with them. But if I can get my own machine, I'd like to do the settings. I would be out of the hamster wheel then. But I don't know if I can get my own machine without a prescription... And we don't have $700 right now to purchase one...
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RE: I'm done.
You should be able to get your prescription based on the earlier studies. Actually, just ask the pulmonologist to write the new one, based on the initial Rx - it's your right to have a prescription.
Then, just buy pass the insurance and buy the machine yourself from either some local DME or from an online supplier (list of recommended suppliers is at the forum's top menu).
Once you get your own PAP machine, come back here and work with the trusted advisors to get your therapy going in the right direction.
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RE: I'm done.
Thank you, everyone. I haven't made a decision yet. But I am leaning in the direction of seeing if I can get a prescription WITHOUT getting back into the hamster-wheel. Thank you.
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RE: I'm done.
The script you need already exists. It's at the pulmonary doctor's you've already visited. Go and request a copy of that and any sleep study reports. They are yours to request physical copies by law under HIPAA.

FWIW you were able to change settings on the machine you had. Members here are willing and able to coach you on what settings are likely needed for your treatment and how to get into the clinical mode to do those edits. (And the doctor nor the DME can't stop you from doing those therapy setting changes.) But, for Apnea Board members to help, you will need to get coached on getting Sleepyhead and then when you've got a machine again, you'll need to post the sleep data.

And weight loss is a great accomplishment, but it won't cure you of sleep apnea. It will greatly minimize apneas on those that have low AHI numbers, but it's almost never going to cure it altogether.
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RE: I'm done.
Earlsgirl….My heart goes out to you...I have also had many problems with doctors and DME's and their techs. In fact, I just gave up on my 5th DME. I have used two.  I only had one DME 10 days as they refused to answer any questions I had in regards to my new machine. The second one I quit after 45 days as they got tired trying to get a mask that works and wanted to charge me full price. The other 3 DME's had no desire to take care of my needs and I wasted 6 months with them and received no equipment.I also am on Medicare and retired so naturally everything we do has to be budgeted. I made the decision I am the one responsible for my own health care needs.  

I purchased a machine on E-Bay with only 45 hours of usage on it. I verified a non-smoker owned it. I paid less than $500 for virtually a new machine with NO prescription. I would have liked to got a Resmed Airsense 10, but it was a DreamStation which would have been my second choice as I had an old PR System One which was an excellent machine. I will tell you the Sleepyhead forum is the best thing to happen to me dealing with my apnea needs. This is a group of caring men & women who I have seen help hundred's of people with the struggles of sleep apnea. I have seen the talented volunteers help people which seemed to have impossible situations, and through much perseverance get them on the right track. (I being one of them)

I want to respond to what Sheepless said. He mentioned about putting off therapy for 30 years and said he has no idea what damage that may have done. He said some of us do know the damage untreated apnea can cause. My wife diagnosed me over 30 years ago as well. (who could better diagnose apnea than a loving spouse lying next to you?) As a typical male I ignored her until 2016 when I had my sleep study. Previous to that I experienced a heart attack in 1998, was diagnosed with Diabetes around 2002. In 2004 I went through a triple heart bypass. In 2012 I was diagnosed with Atrial Defibrillation. All which are possibly caused by untreated sleep apnea. At least make certain whether you have apnea, or not. You couldn't get better help than from unselfish people who are not paid for helping others!...…...Mike
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RE: I'm done.
that's powerful stuff michael9346. earlsgirl, good guidance in this thread. it's up to you!
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RE: I'm done.
From my understanding, I didn't have any apneas but just had shallow breathing. I breathe through my mouth, as my sinuses are VERY small and largely blocked (allergies). So, I'm working on breathing deeper. Hubby and I are unsure if I will get another machine...unless the arrhythmia worsens. If we do, I think we'll know what to do. I would probably get a machine without a ramp and set it at between 5 and 6. Nasal one this time. Unsure, though, if I need it. I also plan to see an ENT to see if there IS anything that can be done for my nasal passages. I kind of doubt it, but it is worth exploring. I doubt I'll be able to get an appointment, though, until November or so. Only one of those in our area; and he's booked up about 4 months or so... Thank you for the encouragement. I am just so grateful to the Lord that I am out of that hamster wheel with the medical establishment. I still have to get back to the dentist, as I think I have one more cavity on my front teeth. I just hope the CPAP doesn't cost me my front teeth... And, yep, the dentist blamed the CPAP.
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RE: I'm done.
I think I knew that apnea and reflux are common together and reflux can damage teeth. especially lower back teeth. is there some other thing going on with cpap as well? like is open mouth breathing, air on teeth harmful? how does cpap screw up front teeth? I had some recent decay on upper front teeth using nasal pillow mask which puts some pressure on those teeth, if that's a factor.
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