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Insurers push clinic sleep testing into homes
RE: Insurers push clinic sleep testing into homes
Interesting. Good luck Shastzi, and let us know how it turns out. BTW I wonder if it is your throat collapsing when on your back and not your tongue falling backwards and blocking your trachea (for that there are both operations (if severe) and rather simple dental inserts (if it is not severe)....

In some way we humans are a cleaver design, but it is also not a brilliant design when it goes wrong, and one of those is sharing the same orifice for breathing and food ingestion, necessitating a mechanism of the tongue to keep things going down the right pipe, or from not going down the wrong one.... It is a brilliant redundancy mechanism, allowing you to breath predominantly through your nose and use the mouth when in need of even greater amounts of air (as in running, hunting, danger, etc), but on the negative side, well... you may be a victim of the negative side...
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RE: Insurers push clinic sleep testing into homes
Thanks for the kind words, wilorg. Smile
I am aware of the tongue and throat thing,
the operation is way out of my league cost wise right now.
The dental insert could be a definite maybe.
Who knows, at this point maybe the tennis ball in the back solution will be the fix?
I'll know the answer soon.

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RE: Insurers push clinic sleep testing into homes
To quote my army drill instructor, "Balls fix everything" so, tennis balls it is... :Wink:
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RE: Insurers push clinic sleep testing into homes
I see this is an old post but still timely and interesting. Unless a person has comorbid conditions which make an in lab test proper procedure I think home testing is preferable for those who have different sleep patterns and are not comfortable sleeping in a strange place. We have heard about sleep labs that are noisy, that won't supply a recliner, and other problems. At home you have your creature comforts. Though you can take your own pillow to the lab you cannot take your sleep number bed, tempurpedic mattress or your comfortable recliner. It makes sense to me to do a multiple night test at home under the conditions you will be sleeping under- i.e. a partner, a dog or cat in the bed, TV with a sleep timer, personal lighting, no cameras watching your every move, a midnight snack, etc.. A night in the lab is unlike your sleeping conditions at home- the dog, cat, wife, husband, child with nightmares- I know you can think of many things that influence your sleep. One drawback is a tech cannot do a split night test to titrate your personal pressure and cannot give you oxygen should your O2 saturation drop at home. If a lead comes loose or the oximeter comes loose there's no remedy. (Though I spent one night in a sleep lab and the day shift discovered the leads were improperly placed and the oximeter had not worked the entire night. They also used tap water in the humidifier and had one TV remote for four beds.) The test in the lab is just a snapshot of your sleep patterns. If you go to bed at midnight you may not be accomodated.
There are pros and cons to each method of testing. I don't know if a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) to test for narcolepsy can be done at home. The cost savings are a plus all around and mistakes are made at home or in the lab.
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