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Interesting First Night
Interesting First Night
Interesting experience last night. Thought I would share.

For the first 3 nights, all I could do is wear the P10 / S10 for 1 hour. Last night, I was able to wear it for the entire night - 8 hours.

Normally, I wake up every 1-2 hours and over the night produce a lot of urine - about 800cc. I have always assumed it was because of the body not producing anti diuretic hormone because of not falling into a deep sleep.

Last night, I had the unit on for the first time for the entire evening. STILL WOKE UP EVERY 1-2 HOURS (WILL THAT EVER END?) but produced only 200cc of urine and woke up feeling a little better rested. Possibly I actually slept better, fell into deep sleep and produced anti diuretic hormone - just guessing.

Just wondering if others had a similar experience.

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RE: Interesting First Night
Getting up to urinate is a common side effect of sleep apnea. One that usually goes away or modifies significantly as you begin treatment. I never actually measured mine though. I just logged the mileage between the bed and the bathroom. That gave me an extra 3,829 steps per day on my fitbit. Well, to be honest I don't even know if that's correct or not.

Yes, the waking up every 1-2 hours may get better although I do wake up frequently in the night, evaluate my cave, roll over and go back to sleep. So that's not so bad.
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RE: Interesting First Night
(09-16-2014, 09:39 AM)retired_guy Wrote: Getting up to urinate is a common side effect of sleep apnea. One that usually goes away or modifies significantly as you begin treatment. I never actually measured mine though. I just logged the mileage between the bed and the bathroom. That gave me an extra 3,829 steps per day on my fitbit. Well, to be honest I don't even know if that's correct or not.

Yes, the waking up every 1-2 hours may get better although I do wake up frequently in the night, evaluate my cave, roll over and go back to sleep. So that's not so bad.

I just reread your post for the third time. Are you saying that going on a cpap, IN YOUR CASE, did not really reduce the number of time you wake up in the middle of the night? I know everyone is different, just curious.

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RE: Interesting First Night
I still wake up, but it's different. Before I woke up because I was stressed, probably due to an apnea event, and I had to go to the bathroom. Lots of that. After cpap I still come to, but in a relaxed way. It's like I just had a great nights sleep although maybe only two hours have passed. So I wake up, think to myself "I'm lovin' this," flip from side to back, or back to side, and go back to sleep.

This morning I did wake up an hour before I really wanted to, but that had more to do with the two puppies licking my ear than it did sleep apnea.
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RE: Interesting First Night
Good description. Since it was a first for me, I did not describe it that way but on thinking about, I think it was the same for me. Thanks. Even now I feel a certain 'relaxed' like when I was younger and actually slept at night. Thanks
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RE: Interesting First Night
Maybe you have TB.

(Tiny Bladder)
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JustMongo passed away in August 2017
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~ Rest in Peace ~
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