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Hello! I've been using my CPAP since last June but only recently discovered the Apnea Board. I was initially diagnosed with an AHI of 15-16.
I'm a male
220 pounds
Treatment started off okay but it's wildly inconsistent. I'll have weeks where I feel "okay" and others where I just plain don't. Last night was my first night successfully recording OSCAR data so I figured I would post here in the hopes of some aid. You'll notice a large gap in the data - this is consistent behavior that I am looking to eliminate...waking up in the middle of the night.
My settings have been pretty consistent for some time with changes in pressure here and there. CPAP Mode, Fixed pressure of anywhere from 8-10 as I fiddled around with it over the past 8 months, EPR of 2.
I've attached an "overview" screenshot for the entire night and then 2 screenshots of the 2 minute time frame where I do wake up with multiple graphs. If there's any other information I can provide please let me know.
Excited to start this journey and I truly appreciate any help.
Found some inspiration from other threads and tried some new settings last night that presented some interesting data.
Min 7
Max 12
A stark increase in CA events from the previous night. Had to get up to use the bathroom a couple times and I just couldn't keep the mask on after the second time...very uncomfortable and felt like I was suffocating. I did tighten my mask a bit last night as well because the strap is a bit worn out so maybe that has to do with it?
Any help in interpreting these charts is greatly appreciated.