Something interesting. I have a new sleep doc and she firmly believes I am over-titrated, as I don't have obstructive apneas at.... any pressure now. Ordered to try a lower pressure. The interesting thing is my charts from the past few days look
almost exactly the same from when I tried my highest pressure (14/9) and currently trying the lowest bilevel pressure (10/7) I have since getting the machine - this is almost the precise 'opposite' of my most successful APAP settings from back-when by pure subjective feel, which was about 9.4 EPR 3. She actually wants me at 10/6 and to stay there, which I haven't tried as I felt 6 is quite low to breathe in - but on the other hand, I'm using a bilevel, so maybe it won't be an issue.
Honestly, I think she's onto something. I do have the UARS profile with a ton of awakenings and mainly unsteady breathing, especially during REM - but looking at my charts from the past few days, the previously higher EPAP just does not make a difference in how many restrictions I have. I started bilevel quite high, thinking that was the issue, adding more pressure. I'm not necessarily feeling better yet, mind you, but I had a decent day yesterday and day-before, which were at 10/3 with a vauto flex of 1 (I feel awful today, of course, I always do when I feel compelled to post). My last obstructive apnea was in
August, and occurred at 8.3/6.3 (EPR 3) - previous to that, I had one at 6.2/4.2 (EPR 2). I haven't had any obstructive apneas since - though I have once or twice been startled awake feeling like I was choking, though OSCAR never logged an apnea. I do of course certainly sleep poorly every day.
These lower settings are all right, but I've been up at 3:30 AM the past few days with no great explanation, though it IS like what used to happen before starting PAP - might be that the extra PS makes just that bit of difference. I'm not sure. I feel a bit more like 'myself' for better or for worse though - the past two days, in spite of that, I didn't feel too awful - but I'm concerned maybe it's that I'm not adjusted to the new lower settings yet, and still have the 'momentum' of the higher ones. Weirdly tidal volumes appear to be the same - I don't think higher pressures have been helping that either.
Not sure what to do. I've mostly been ordered to stop trying different settings and stick with something for a month solid, so I'm trying to figure what would be "right" - 6/10, 7/11, 7/10 (previous 'good' settings, though I think the lack of PS makes a bit of a difference), something inbetween so my EPAP is definitely over my previous apnea-event levels... considering Vauto again.
I'm also trying out modafinil, as we're investigating something like narcolepsy as well. Weirdly it helps my body feel awake - I feel I could go run a mile - but my brain is absolutely awful from my horrible night of sleep.
Anyway. The main point of this update is also to ask for opinions on a few philosophical questions, outside the above:
- My new doc says she thinks my apnea is "well controlled" - If you look at my charts, though, some of this is because places there might have previously been a registered apnea there are smaller breaths, probably the PS, that make it not trigger for an apnea or a hypopnea but is certainly a major flow limitation. Is bilevel just disguising my AHI numbers?
- 7 is usually considered the minimum comfortable pressure for adults in APAP. Do you think 6 would cause issues in bilevel, as in that bilevel we're adding pressure for breathing? I'm just looking for reassurance here.
- I still have tons of flow restrictions and arousals and choppy breathing in REM - no matter what setting I've ever tried, they hardly look different. Has anyone ever seen someone actually resolve these with a UARS profile with PAP? I've been watching this forum for the past four months, and I don't think I've seen a single success story with a profile similar to mine.