05-24-2016, 01:51 AM
Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
First off thank you in advance for reading this.
I am new to using the cpap data and have seen what I assumed a data problem. I dismissed it as nothing. I wanted to get more information so as suggested I got a recording oximeter.
Using Sleepyhead to combine both machines data it looks like they both show an event. I think that it may not be something to dismiss. The events are not on every days chart and they are not always the same. What I first saw was a pulse rate over 200. Adding the oxygen information that drops into the 60's made me take more interest. The pules goes away for about 30 seconds then returns at a very slow beat for another 30 seconds before returning to a normal rate. I am going to take this information to my doctor in the morning but I was hoping that you might offer some ideas.
I am not alb to send a screen shot yet. I will when I can.
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
Keeping in mind, I am not a doctor, it sounds like episodes of either afib or Vtach.
You likely need to be on a 24 hour Holter monitor to record your EKG over a day/night.
Or, it could be "SSS" Sick Sinus Syndrome.
Then again, it could just be an artifact of your oximeter.
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
I think your cardiologist will be very interested in your findings. keep us posted.
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
I got a visit set up for Tuesday. It was the soonest time I could get. I will let you know the outcome.
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
I saw the lung doctor today. He looked at the charts from Sleepyhead and sent me to get set up for a Holter monitor as this form suggested. He also set up a "Sniff test" to check for other problems. I will try to keep you folks up to date.
Thanks for all the great information.
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
I had to look up sniff test...
"The sniff test is a fluoroscopic exam used to evaluate whether the diaphragm (the muscle that controls breathing) moves in the proper direction during various maneuvers including normal breathing and while rapidly inhaling."
RE: Looking for suggestions, Heart problem with CPAP ?
I was thinking that was like a cat scan (as opposed to a CAT scan).