RE: Low Tidal Volume
If it was me, with the DS cpap. I'd raise the min pressure to 12 and then review
RE: Low Tidal Volume
Raising the min pressure wasn't for AHI. It was to see how much effect it had on your tidal volume in total and the dips on the chart where you zoomed in.
12 is under your current used max and 1 above your 95% and would probably be about what some labs would put as fixed. It is a pressure I would try.
RE: Low Tidal Volume
I had to do something and missed the edit within time.
Generally if you have a nasal restriction, The body chooses to breathe through the mouth. Do you have a full face mask to try, it may help with leaks?
You may find that the aerophagia settles over time. It did for me. I'd still try to get min 12 working for a couple of hours and see. You are currently within that pressure range now with max at 12.8 . So it may not be that bad. You may even want to set the alarm, so you don't get too much aerophagia. It's just to see if it helps and it's the right path.
RE: Low Tidal Volume
The thing that sticks out to me with the initial SleepyHead charts is the Leak Rate.
The machine is pretty sophisticated, but I bet it's hard for it to calculate an accurate Tidal Volume taking into account all the extra air it is blowing to compensate for the leaks.
What is the Tidal Volume with the P10 in the absence of leaks? In my P10, at a pressure of 10, I see almost no leaks.
Maybe you are opening your mouth? I think that's probably it, ajack mentioned this.
The only way I can use my P10 is supine, aka on my back. If I'm on my side I open my mouth and the air rushes out and I see a lot of leaks.
RE: Low Tidal Volume
That kind of obstructive cluster is often fixed with a soft cervical collar. It is more typical of what we refer to as positional apnea, than a therapy issue.
RE: Low Tidal Volume
It's OK, you are getting the sleepyhead to show and get opinions on. There's is probably not more I can add and wish you well.
You may note that with the ffm, it was tidal of 480 and the second with nasal was 380. I think you are still mouth breathing and need to go back to the FFM. Then work with that to decrease your AHI through pressure adjustment and possibly positional head adjustment. If you decide on a FFM, you may need to change masks until you find a FFM that suits you.