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Machine: Resmed Airsense 10 Card to Cloud Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit N40 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 8 CPAP Software: Not using software
I was wondering if I could get some help with Oscar data. I'm using the Resmed N30 pillows with a soft cervical collar. I've been having highish leak rates and trying to figure out if they're mask or mouth leaks. My first time looking at Oscar. Also wondering based on the data, how therapy is going?
You have some of each I think. The sharp spiked air leaks are mask leaks while the Plateau leaks are mouth leaks.
Why are you using Cpap mode instead of autoset? IF there is a reason fine but you have a lot of flow limitations that would be helped with autoset and EPR.
Machine: Resmed Airsense 10 Card to Cloud Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit N40 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 8 CPAP Software: Not using software
You might try the P30 from ResMed. I had the n30 and never could stop the leaks with the “cradle” and switched to the pillows. They are the same head gear and interface you only change out the nose piece. They are available on amazon for around $20.
If you want to try autoset you could try theses settings.
Min 7
Max 15
If you have just started thes settings make exhale pressure at 4. The min 7 - EPR(exhale pressure relief) That will help with flow limits. Flow limits are just smaller apnea. They can disrupt sleep and cause tiredness.
If you want to use straight Cpap no problem. Just a suggestion.
Machine: Resmed Airsense 10 Card to Cloud Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit N40 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 8 CPAP Software: Not using software