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(10-14-2019, 01:55 PM)brainf0g Wrote: Update: Increased the base IPAP from 9 to 10cm (range is 10-14) a few nights ago. Had one night with 0.00 AHI and woke up feeling pretty decent. Following nights had higher AHI, but also woke up feeling decent. Feels like I'm heading in the right direction.
Question: are the CAs actual events and if so, should I try to eliminate them? Anything else stand out?
Hard to say on the CAs looking only at the overview, but the cluster of a few of them on one of your graphs looks to me (still learning) like you were awake. You could always post a close up of a few of those for people to evaluate.
With regards to chin straps, I went through half a dozen of the standard neoprene ones before stumbling across the Knightsbridge dual band chin strap. It has a completely different design than the neoprene ones and actually works in keeping my mouth closed throughout the night. I have relatively mild sleep apnea so just using the dual band keeps my blood oxygen in the 90s. The disadvantage of it is that it covers a lot of the scalp, including the ears. But even given that it is much more comfortable than the standard neoprene ones.
10-14-2019, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2019, 04:33 PM by brainf0g.)
RE: Mild Sleep Apnea (but still tired)
(10-14-2019, 02:04 PM)slowriter Wrote: Awesome!
Hard to say on the CAs looking only at the overview, but the cluster of a few of them on one of your graphs looks to me (still learning) like you were awake. You could always post a close up of a few of those for people to evaluate.
Wasn't up this whole time... wonder why the AirCurve doesn't really react to them? What's odd is my wearable sleep tracker shows no movement from 4:15 - 4:30a
@Leo I picked up the Caldera Releaf Neck Rest at the suggestion of this forum fairly early on and it was much more effective for me than the chin strap!
My point regarding chin straps was that the Knightsbridge is totally different than all the others. The fact that other chin straps didn't work for you isn't surprising. The Knightsbridge dual band website explains how the standard neoprene chin straps push directly into the jaw joint, which is the worst possible angle for effectivenss and comfort. The Knightsbridge lifts vertically which is much better, and the two chin bands (one elastic, one non-elastic) are really a smart way to go.
Hmm. I tried a neck brace before and it didn't work well for me, but maybe I'll give that one a try. It might be nice to have some variety ...
While on this topic I'll mention I also use the NasalAid nasal dilator as well as the standard rubbery plastic ones. I have a deviated septum and a nasal dilator makes for easier nose breathing. Again, I find it's nice to switch it up between nasal dilators sometimes. I find the NasalAid to be more comfortable than the standard rubbery ones. Of the rubbery ones, I prefer the ones by Dortz and don't like the Stop Snores at all.
Hard to say on the CAs looking only at the overview, but the cluster of a few of them on one of your graphs looks to me (still learning) like you were awake. You could always post a close up of a few of those for people to evaluate.
Wasn't up this whole time... wonder why the AirCurve doesn't really react to them? What's odd is my wearable sleep tracker shows no movement from 4:15 - 4:30a
@Leo I picked up the Caldera Releaf Neck Rest at the suggestion of this forum fairly early on and it was much more effective for me than the chin strap!
The VAuto cannot treat CA’s so other than recording their existence it does nothing to treat them. Based on your irregular flow during the ca’s it’s likely they were arousal related but there is not enough CA’s to worry about.