04-04-2020, 09:25 AM
Cpap humidifier leaks -
I am posting this subject is case the same issue is bothering another cpap machine user. I have a ResMed Airsense 10 cpap machine which I have placed on my nightstand. Recently I noticed a small amount of moisture on the surface of the nightstand, but I ignored it. I wiped it up and did not give it a second thought. Sadly it happened again and again, so I no longer could ignore it.
Since I hand wash the humidifier chamber every morning, I knew it was not mishandled. I could not figure out where the water was coming from. The chamber itself where the metal plate is located was dry, but my nightstand surface was not.
Upon close examination of the humidifier chamber, I found a slight crack near the bottom where the seal is that unites the plastic to the metal bottom. This crack extended all the way to the top of the chamber where the top portion meets the bottom portion when you close the chamber. If anyone has this problem, examine the chamber in good light and you may find a crack. My solution was to order a new chamber for about $20. The price of a new chamber is way less than the effort it is going to require to refinish the surface of my nightstand.
RE: Cpap humidifier leaks -
I'm wondering if you could rub silicon caulk sealant into the crack and then a thin coating over the crack. This might allow for a backup tub in a pinch. I don't like having to throw anything away without giving it a chance.
RE: Cpap humidifier leaks -
I'm also a big believer in rescuing any working equipment that just needs some TLC. I've used silicone many times and had great success. It is available in smaller tubes at your hardware store.
There are other sealants that will also work, but can cost a bit more like JB Weld or Epoxy Resin.
You might call some of your friends as some people will keep much of a unused tube somewhere in a junk drawer.
Most silicon is rated between 10 and 30 years so it stays good along time. Being a plastic housing silicon should work fine.
I would definitely give it a go.
You just really can't invest much time or money on experimentation as the replacement is cheap.
Or, you could place your machine on a turkey rack inside a oven roaster. That way quite a bit of water could build up between having to empty the pan...
Have Fun
My worst night on CPAP is 10X better than my best night without it
Good night Chesty, wherever you are..Semper Fi
RE: Cpap humidifier leaks -
I, too, don't like to give up on things until I have invested about a 10-minute attempt to fix it. I have a vinyl garden shed that uses plastic grommets to fasten roof panels to an inner truss-like frame. The instructions warn that they will leak unless the person building the roof takes the time to dab the tops of the gaskets with a suitable outdoors sealant.
I don't know if you have the same thing in the USA, probably, but there's a product that comes in a squeeze tube called "PARR". The version I use is clear, somewhat thickened, and can be spread and allowed to set, usually for at least eight hours. It remains flexible. I would try a small bead of that along the inside rim where the metal meets the plastic walls. It may work, even if, as suggested above, as a back-up.
Let the vessel dry out thoroughly before applying the PARR or similar product. You want clean and dry surfaces for the bond.
RE: Cpap humidifier leaks -
Actually, it is available and also known as Parbond. Listed as a premium rubber based edge sealer. Looks like it is known in the roofing gutter industry. It's not cheap at 14 dollars for 5 oz. Looks like it would do a great job.
If you had other seal work to do it would be nice to have around.
My worst night on CPAP is 10X better than my best night without it
Good night Chesty, wherever you are..Semper Fi