Have several questions so I'm going to try to be concise and clear.
Sorry in advance for any mistake.
Context: 24M, not overweight, did a sleep study which indicated Mild OSA, 26 AHI. Before this, I slept on my back, where the Osa is more prevalent. I do not Snore.
1 month in the APAP treatment (8-13), of side sleeping with mouth taping and nasal decongestion spray, and I'm still struggling to get restful sleep. I always wake up tired, to several degrees, and usually wake up 6 hours after I fall asleep and the majority of the nights I fall asleep again. I 100% complain about the treatment and the mask in itself does not cause me trouble getting to sleep. I believe the tiredness is 100% due to sleep since I have done extensive blood work and other exams.
I usually dont have major leaks, and had some days (5) with Cheyne Stokes Respiration does this indicates something?
1- Over the last weeks I have been lowering ERP to try to reduce treatment-induced Clear Airway Events. 2 days ago I switched from EPR 1 to Off, and I felt exhausted in the morning. This is especially weird since I slept more than usual (weekend). Is it right to assume that I should increase EPR and discard the early-day data due to the body adapting to treatment?
2- Do I need to increase pressure? On the 12th I increase the max pressure from 12 to 13.
3- Should I be concerned with Flow Limitations? EPR up should help from what I have read here. Could a deviated septum contribute to Flow Limitations? Still haven't done an endoscopy or DISE. Would a pillow mask be better than a nasal mask?
4- It appears that whenever I briefly sleep on my back the AHI skyrockets. This is my favorite sleeping position, which I have ceased since started the APAP. Shouldn't the APAP allow for black sleeping, even if mechanically is not optimal? Is a hedge pillow mandatory?
Any comment or tip would be really helpful
Thank you, sorry for the long post.
ERP/ AHI History