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Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
I have been on APAP for 3-4mths now and its worked really well. I only had a moderate AHI 17 on my sleep study. That said, the impact was instantaneous - energy, no fatigue, etc.

Anyway, one thing I experience is a very small amount of CAs now - maybe 6-20 a night. Typically with an AHI around 0.5 to 3. I thought I should look at them and have people more knowledgeable than myself give their opinion.

My initial take is that as I don't seem to take a large breath in after not breathing for a little while my body is not insufficiently oxygenated while not breathing. I assume the APAP is giving my body more than enough oxygen and the pauses in breath are not really CAs but rather "natural" if you can really say that.
I hope the image link works (first time).
Appreciate any feedback on this.

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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Google wouldn't let me look at your image, but your thought that the CA's may not be "real" could be accurate. I'd like to know what your pressures were: Minimum, 95%, and max. What are the min/max settings? ..finally, how many and what kind of events did you experience -- OA's vs CA's vs Hypop's vs dog and cat arousals, vs smelling the morning coffee arousals. Whatever you help with.
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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Let's see if I can help with that:
[Image: SH.jpg]
Admin Note:
JustMongo passed away in August 2017
Click HERE to read his Memorial Thread

~ Rest in Peace ~
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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Hi Retired_guy,
sorry about the image. I have uploaded it now and I also have uploaded an image with my basic settings as seen by SH. Essentially I barely get OA only Hypop's. On my sleep study all but one of my "events" were hypop's and one OA, plus one CA. Now all I seem to get is CA with the odd hypop. [attachment=1491]

My pressure is set for 6-20 but it rarely gets above 8. I have also attached my general stats.

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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Welcome Dafod! I looked at your charts and have little to say, but it looks like you are getting very effective treatment.

The CA event you showed is very likely a central nervous system caused apnea. The real question is why you would be halting your breathing. I think the answer is you are giving your body just precisely what it needs, but your brain still expects the old outcome. I think your CAs are central, and that they are caused by the extra oxygen and inflation pressure. THAT IS NOT BAD. It is just different from before. You will get used to it, and the brain will also recognize good stuff as the NEW PLAN. And, the CAs will gradually go away-ish. Some get complete relief from this, others get nearly complete relief.

You have a great story so far.


p.s. you will see your machine does increase pressure at times when you do not get a labelled event. The machine is smart enough to recognize other things happening with your breathing, and react before something like an event happens. That is really nice in your case, but some have so many jumps in pressure that they get a bit disrupted.

Dedicated to QALity sleep.
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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Thanks for the charts Daf....

I agree completely with QAL. Your results look great. Just keep doing what you're doing and let's see if the CA's don't go away by themselves. Sometimes a very small increase in minimum pressure can help, but in your case I don't think that should be done just yet. I think you're right on! Good job!

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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
thanks for the feedback. The APAP setup seems to be really helping me anecdotally - energy, concentration, etc. Also, no morning headache/migraines! I think I am lucky I got onto this as I am relatively young at 48, relatively fit and light (weight) - ie didn't really score in for a test on first blush. Again, appreciate the feedback to know I am not on the wrong track.
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RE: Interested in feedback on CAs experiencing
Hi Dafod,

I think your centrals are small in number and short and nothing to worry about.

I think slowly increasing your Min Pressure until it is a couple cmH2O higher would help the Pressure be more steady. (Sent you a Private Message.)

Take care,
--- Vaughn
The Advisory Member group provides advice and suggestions to Apnea Board administrators and staff on matters concerning Apnea Board operation and administrative policies.  Membership in the Advisory Member group should not be understood as in any way implying medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
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