I've been on some kind of PAP therapy for around 4 years now, including CPAP, APAP, and BiPAP, on pressures from 12 to now 20. And while the therapy definitely helps to some degree, I'm still very tired throughout the day, frequently wake up with a headache, nap frequently, etc.
My machines have always reported a high number of central apneas. Originally my doctor said I might have treatment emergent central sleep apnea, but that it would go away within a couple months. Unfortunately, not much seems to have changed. My doctor is rather difficult to get a hold of, but he seems to think we need to keep trying different pressures, some of which I've already tried multiple times.
I'd like to get a better handle on what exactly is going on. I've been reading that CPAPs can make mistakes in measuring events, with sleep/wake junk, sleep/wake transition events, etc. I guess it makes me wonder though, even if somehow all of them are false, they still seem to indicate I'm not having very high quality sleep, and I'm not sure what I can do about it.
I set up a camera to record my position throughout the night, and my AHI doesn't seem to be affected much by sleeping on my back.
I've also tried zooming in on some of the central apnea events in OSCAR to look for the big rise and fall in the flow rate graph prior to the event, and most don't seem to have that, though some do.
Here are some of my machine's number's from the last year:
Avg Hrs/Night ------------- 07:03
> 4 hrs/day --------------- 76%
AHI ----------------------- 16.42
OA Index ------------------ 3.91
H Index ------------------- 2.23
UA Index ------------------ 0.12
CA Index ------------------ 10.17
95% Flow Limit. ----------- 0.37
RERA Index ---------------- 1.08
Avg Leak Rate ------------- 1.54
95% Leak Rate ------------- 7.2
% time > Leak Threshold --- 1.45%
Avg Pressure -------------- 16.82
Here are some of the most recent machine settings changes (most to least recent):
AHI Pressure Relief Mode Pressure
11.66 EPR: Off CPAP Fixed 20
17.45 None BiPAP-S EPAP 13, IPAP 17
23.98 None BiPAP-S EPAP 11, IPAP 15
15.47 EPR: 3 CPAP Fixed 17
29.04 EPR: 3 CPAP Fixed 13
18.49 None BiPAP-S EPAP 13, IPAP 17
14.57 EPR: 3 CPAP Fixed 17
12.37 EPR: Off CPAP Fixed 15
12.46 EPR: Off CPAP Fixed 17
11.32 EPR: Off CPAP Fixed 15
I'll also attach an OSCAR daily view and overview of the last year.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.