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[News] April 2021 ResMed news
April 2021 ResMed news

With New Name and Leader, Verily/ResMed Joint Venture Poised to Shine Light on America’s Sleep Health Crisis

Sleep apnea “robbing sleep from millions of Americans,” says new CEO Jonathon Lobbins

April 5, 2021 – There’s a new name in the study of untreated sleep apnea and the high-tech effort to identify and treat tens of millions of Americans afflicted by it: Primasun.

Translating to “first light,” Primasun is the moniker for a joint venture formed in 2018 by Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet focused on life sciences and healthcare, and ResMed, a global leader in digital health.

The name refers to the dawn we should all wake to see after a full, restorative night’s sleep – as well as the new light Primasun intends to shine on sleep apnea, a disease that affects 54 million Americans, yet remains over 80 percent undiagnosed.

“We need a full night’s sleep right alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise for a strong immune system, the most energy, our best mood – in essence, to be our best selves,” said Primasun CEO Jonathon Lobbins. “Only when sleep apnea stops robbing sleep from millions of Americans can we truly know how healthy we can feel and be, as well as how safe and healthy our communities and our economy can be.”

Lobbins was named CEO of Primasun in November 2020. A longtime healthcare executive for Siemens, Edwards Lifesciences, and Medtronic, Lobbins now leads Primasun’s efforts to study the health and financial impacts of undiagnosed sleep apnea and develop digital solutions that help healthcare providers identify, diagnose, treat, and manage people living with it.

About sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic disease in which the muscles of the throat relax to the point of collapse, restricting airflow and causing the sufferer to stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night. It can cause short-term sleep deprivation, which can affect mood as well as your safety at work and while driving. It’s also strongly linked to life-threatening chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, and depression.

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RE: April 2021 ResMed news
Does this mean the use of unilateral user agreements that gives the rights to the user's data to the company for sale? Will Google enhance the "user's experience" by aggregating "lifestyle" data warehoused by Google? Will Alphabet purchase ResMed and shift everything data-oriented to the cloud where they control access -- possibly with a monthly charge.

Forgive me but Google's Mantra is no longer "Do No Evil," it's get everything you can. And ditto for Alphabet! Will they claim to adhere to HIPAA but remain un-auditable and beyond the law? Where will they store data?

Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are all looking to medical data storage that can be mined for their own benefits.

Color me skeptical.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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RE: April 2021 ResMed news
(04-05-2021, 08:38 PM)srlevine1 Wrote: Does this mean the use of unilateral user agreements that gives the rights to the user's data to the company for sale? Will Google enhance the "user's experience" by aggregating "lifestyle" data warehoused by Google? Will Alphabet purchase ResMed and shift everything data-oriented to the cloud where they control access -- possibly with a monthly charge.

Forgive me but Google's Mantra is no longer "Do No Evil," it's get everything you can. And ditto for Alphabet! Will they claim to adhere to HIPAA but remain un-auditable and beyond the law? Where will they store data?

Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are all looking to medical data storage that can be mined for their own benefits.

Color me skeptical.

Yeah, I've always said that everything you need to know about sleep medicine is summed up in the observation that they use the word "compliance" to characterize "decisions" that patients make when they are freaking unconscious!

The idea that our presumed tech overlords will join up with the sleep doctors and gain control of our sleep data and use that against us is terrifying.

Gee, I wonder if google will reach out over the net and turn our machines off while we're asleep if they catch us exhibiting unapproved thoughts in our search strings?
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RE: April 2021 ResMed news
businesses, corporations, the rich and the powerful have ALWAYS profited off the backs of the rest of the population. that's capitalism, the system that the vast majority of the people that are used and abused by it would die to defend. while the last 4 years have shown us that anything is possible, the use of data to manipulate us for profit isn't remotely new or surprising. under our traditional and current system of governance (in the U.S.) the angst about it being used 'against' us for anything other than profit strikes me as irrational paranoia.

time to move this thread to the off-topic forum?
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RE: April 2021 ResMed news

One of the fundamentals of capitalism is property rights and the individual's ownership of their body, labor, and information. To the extent we bargain away those rights in return for something of perceived value is our personal business. A fair deal if adequate disclosure, understanding, and mutual acceptance are available. Not so in arcane, obscure, and obfuscated unilateral agreements. 

As for paranoia, controlled paranoia is part of a healthy self-defense/survival mechanism and when managed well leads to beneficial results.

I agree we are off-topic... but we should know if, when, and how our rights are being compromised for implicit, rather than explicit, bargains.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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RE: April 2021 ResMed news
I don't disagree - at all. simply saying that it's more of the same old same old, with evolving means and technology. resolving this kind of stuff will require governmental intervention, laws and regulation. most of the country complains but half won't accept the solution. as for knowing how our 'rights' are compromised (I would say 'privacy' because few rights are absolute and untempered by the need to protect broader public interests), how many of us read terms of use agreements and privacy statements? how many would give up the use of the technology or whatever even if we read them? how many would pay cash for the services currently underwritten by the use of our data? as for "the individual's ownership of their body, labor, and information", explain that that to those that repress or exploit minorities, laborers, 'consumers', gays and women.

I shouldn't have commented as I don't think an apnea website is the right place for this kind of discussion so I'll bow out now.
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