Just out of curiosity, is there any reason you're using ResScan rather than the
OSCAR software program?
OSCAR is a much better package and is a better user experience than using ResScan. The only reason (I can think of) that folks use ResScan is if they need a proprietary printout of their data for insurance/doctor/government purposes. But more and more, some of these entities are accepting OSCAR reports from what I understand.
The link to download the free OSCAR software is at the top of every forum page in the dark brown menu bar. Direct link is here:
If you still need to use ResScan, it would help if you posted the specific error message you're getting.
It is possible that your Internet connection is the problem, as ResScan is a large file and may have been corrupted in the download. I would try completely deleting the install file and attempt to download again during a low-traffic time, like after 10 pm at night or before 8 am locally to avoid any internet congestion issues.
Check the exact file size of your downloaded install file... the email that you were sent lists the correct file size. If your copy is less than this, it likely didn't complete the download or got corrupted.