OSCAR: Understanding Overview page numbers
On the Overview page, above each graphic (e.g., AHI, Usage,...) is a row of numbers. Thus, for AHI:
AHI 0.00/1.06/2.70, H 0.00....
It appears the first number for AHI is the low for the selected range and the last is the high.
I'm thinking the middle number is the average. But I'm confused because it doesn't track exactly with the average indicated in the Statistics page for the same period.
I'm wondering if one is perhaps the median and the other, the mean. And, if so, why the different values are used on the different pages.
Or, maybe, that middle number is something entirely different that I'm not understanding?
RE: OSCAR: Understanding Overview page numbers
You are correct about the values being the lowest, average, and highest. The values listed on the Overview page are based on the time period you have selected. As far as I know, there isn't an average listed for AHI on the Daily page. If you are referring to the parameters listed on the statistics, you will need to hover over the parameter name to get the average for that day.
When you find time, I suggest that you take a look at the links in my signature for additional information.
RE: OSCAR: Understanding Overview page numbers
The articles in your links don't seem to address the Statistics page or the Overview page.
The Statistics page shows AHI value for last week = AHI .74.
The Overview page, when I select for "Last week," shows "AHI 0.53/0.71/1.03"
So my question was, if that 0.71 on the Overview page is the week's average, why is it different than the Statistic's page 0.74 for "Last Week"?
I would think they should be the same number. That's why I wondered about whether one was mean and the other median, or something like that.
Similarly if I select "Last 6 months" on the Overview page, it shows (middle number) 1.06, whereas the Statistics page for "Last 6 months" show 1.13.
At least I can go ahead with my analysis using the Overview page for different periods, confirmed that that middle number is an average (of some kind).
RE: OSCAR: Understanding Overview page numbers
I just did a quick export of the data into Excel, and the Overview page data is the correct one for any selected time period. I'm wondering if the Statistic data is caused from rounding errors. Also, in the Overview page you can select "Last 2 Weeks", but when you go to export the data, it is labeled as, "Fortnight".
07-24-2021, 02:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2021, 02:01 PM by GuyScharf.)
RE: OSCAR: Understanding Overview page numbers
I would need to look at the code to confirm, but I believe the number you see on the Overview page is the Median while the Statistics page has the Average.
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