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I followed your instructions for the OSCAR_Data folder, recreated profile and imported SD card with same results. The folder path is correct but folder empty.
Thank you for the registry instructions. Following these steps, will I still need to uninstall/reinstall Oscar and treat the process as a brand new user? Do I do the registry steps before or after the uninstall? Also, should I delete any other folders/files that might still remain after I uninstall Oscar?
And, should I do anything with Sleepyhead or just leave it alone?
Thank you again, Jas, your help is MUCH appreciated. Jeff
Just delete the registry key no need to touch the application in the first instance and the relaunch Oscar ar it should prompt you to setup a data directory.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
Hello again. I'm afraid to report that this process concluded with the same results. Import showed only 1 day from back in early February. On right sidebar, the only option that seems to respond to a click is the Import button. Nothing else. The "show Oscar folder location" link does not respond either. And after closing app and reopening, Oscar wants to (you guessed it) make a data folder location. Jeff
Hi Jas....Ran the chkdsk operation. I didn't observe it but I know upon restart it was repairing something. I tried to search the logfiles to see if I could get an idea of what it found, but could not make heads or tails of what it was. So I deleted the registry key again and reopened Oscar. It prompted me for a new data folder. I thought I might try saying NO and doing it manually, but when I click on New>Folder within Documents, I get error message stating that it cannot be found. Please see posted screenshot. So I allowed it to create itself,rererecreated profile, and did SD card import. Same results as before. App will not let me access "Daily" or several of the other options. And of course after closing Oscar and reopening it, I get the prompt to create a data folder, etc etc etc. I think that at this point I will use Sleepyhead since it does at least give me summary data each day. I do take screenshots of the daily screen, because Sleepyhead will not retain anything beyond last Wednesday 4/15, once I close it.
04-21-2020, 12:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:10 PM by jaswilliams.)
RE: Oscar Has Stopped Working
Could you try creating a folder in the root of your C drive c:\OSCAR_Data and the use that as you oscar location as it seems OSCAR cannot find anything in the documents folder.
I wonder if its your Anti-virus affecting OSCAR and SLEEPYHEAD preventing the file access as its odd that both stopped working.
Jas: It appears that your persistence has payed off! Success at last. I manually created the OSCAR_Data folder in C>Users>jawon. Then when prompted by the app to create a data folder, pointed it to that new location. Set up profile, and imported SD card. Voila! It is all there. Everything. I clicked the link to the folder and it found it immediately. I did note that the AHI readings were slightly higher than what Sleepyhead was indicating, but more in line with my recent history. I closed Oscar then reopened it and it is there intact! I owe you a debt of gratitude for your diligence and expertise. Many thanks! Jeff (Screenshot of fixed app attached)