Oscar - Weird date thing happening ?
I think I've got my Resmed machine time and Oscar time in a knot.
What I see when I slip the SD into computer and view in Oscar, is data from the night before last.. instead of last night.
The time of day seems correct on my pc, in Oscar, and on the Resmed.
Today's date is actually Nov 25
The date on my pc is Nov25
The date on the Resmed is Nov26
Oscar date for most recent data is Nov24
The graphs and data that I think Im am seeing in Oscar is Nov 23 (to Nov24 morning)
I took the card out this morning before noon, and observed this situation. Then, after noon, I put it back in to see if the current day file would close out and possibly update things, but nope.. Oscar says nothing to import.
I know I buggered up the Resmed date by accident when I was doing the time change recently, but why is this affecting the ability for Oscar to show me the most recent sleep ??
Oscar 1.2.0, Win7/32
ps- I know it's not showing me last night's sleep because I stopped the machine for about 10 mins at about 1:30am... the graph shown has no gap at all.
RE: Oscar - Weird date thing happening ?
First, upgrade to OSCAR v1.3.0. The data for today, before noon, will have a 11/24 date. The data you upload tomorrow morning will have the date of 11/25. 11/26's data would not be uploaded until Saturday morning.
RE: Oscar - Weird date thing happening ?
I can confirm that Oscar is saying Nov 24th, and it's session says 25th/1:22am to 6:13am.
But Im pretty sure it's displaying data from the previous date (23rd).
I know for sure it was last night/this morning (25th) I went to bed around 12:30, and at 1:30am I got up and shut the machine off for 10 mins.. and that's not shown on the most recent Oscar graphs or session.
Sorry if Im completely misinterpreting this, but I thought I used to be able to wake up, grab the sd, pop in in Oscar and view "last nights" data. I know I muffed up by putting the wrong date into the Resmed, but Im confused about how Oscar is reacting to it ?
I will return to this thread tomorrow with more info.
Meanwhile, I will update Oscar - thanks for the tip.
RE: Oscar - Weird date thing happening ?
Aha !
Thank you, upgrading to 1.3.0 now shows "last nights" data .
The date is wrong (sessions on the 26th) since my Resmed is wrong.
But now I see that gap when I woke up last night.
Perfect. Thank you !!