Oxycodone, PLMS, PLMD, AHI, Oxy Sat, etc..
Hi all. I meet with a neurologist tomorrow to discuss the overall treatment plan for, until recently, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD). A recent PSG (sleep study) determined that the movements don’t meet the strict but tentative criteria for PLMD. My new diagnosis is likely Nocturnal Myoclonus, NOS (severe)
I have chronic back pain (5 surgeries, 2 fusions) that, without significant pain relief, will wake me every night and it usually takes 1-3hrs to fall back to sleep depending on pain relief.
I also have severe but well-treated sleep apnea with APAP treatment (AHI consistently <3). Opioids are known CNS depressants, increasing AHI due to respiratory depression.
Oxycodone has been effective in treating both the movements and pain in the distant past but have only been taking it to control pain recently. The movements are out-of-control currently (last 8 months) and I have severe, even profound, EDS and depression due to sleep-deprivation. An increase of bedtime Oxycodone would likely help decrease the movements but respiratory depression is a concern.
So, I’d like to go into appt tomorrow with good info when this issue comes up. What I’m wondering is if anyone has access to good research about the respiratory effects of oral oxycodone, especially on AHI and/or blood oxygen levels?
RE: Oxycodone, PLMS, PLMD, AHI, Oxy Sat, etc..
Sounds like difficult times.
I hope you get some good answers from the neurologist tomorrow.
I briefly searched pubmed and couldn't find anything but it might be worth looking deeper there. You are correct that oxycodone leads to respiratory depression. Adding that to sleep apnea has the potential to lead to a very poor outcome.
RE: Oxycodone, PLMS, PLMD, AHI, Oxy Sat, etc..
Not sure if this will help or not...
This published article is not specific to Oxy, but the effects of opioids on the lungs in general:
The few rare times I had to take it I got horrible sleep.