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Awesome sounds good! I will just try the same settings.
Is there any way I can get help on getting a new pneumatic block? Does the RPMs need to be match whats in the ASV? Does that change how much pressure comes out etc? I am pretty handy and believe I can change it myself. Just want to get the right one.
(04-09-2024, 12:16 PM)jcp519 Wrote: My ASV was louder than my AS11 and I think that is just because it changes the pressure way more often. I just got used to it over time.
I got an ASV from Apria and it was noisier than the AirSense 10. I suspect someone had used SoClean with the motor before. I took it back and they replaced it with a much quieter ASV. It's even quieter than the AS10, even with the default pressure settings.
Hi everyone. The ASV has been doing me well. I just got shoulder surgery and need to sleep upright and this I have some weird breathing that you can see attached. Anyone know what this is and how I can fix it, it happened all night? Thanks again!
You could try bumping up your EPAP min to 6. Those sort of look like obstructive hypopnea so maybe your EPAP isn't quite high enough to keep your airway fully open.
This also could be positional related and caused by chin tucking.