RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
Thanks everyone for all the info. I have the Clinicial Manual, but the machine made the hose changes and seems to be working perfectly. In the summer months, I will probably just switch back to the non heated hose. The heated hose has made a Hugh difference in my comfort level. Before, I was waking up several times because of the cold air. The DME that I deal with told me I couldn't switch hoses. Of course I have already figured out that they don't seem to have a lot of knowledge about the equipment they are selling. Oh, did I mention before that they lost my SD Card with the first 30 days info on it.  Don't mean to get anyone going! Ha, Ha.
On a positive note, my AHI was lowest ever this morning at 0.7
Happy New Year Everyone!
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
Just a note, you don't have to switch the hose in the summer, you can just shut the heat off and leave the hose in place.
You gotta worry about getting those of us started that don't know whether we are coming or going as that gets very confusing very quickly.
If everyone thinks alike, then someone isn't thinking.
Everyone knows something, together we could know everything.
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
As long as they gave you a NEW SD card, your machine will update it from day one with complience info and more.
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
(12-27-2014, 12:30 PM)bwexler Wrote: As long as they gave you a NEW SD card, your machine will update it from day one with complience info and more.
The SD card they lost was from the original machine I started with....long story, but machine was switched out with a "new" machine and a new SD card, but SleepyHead has all the info from day one and shows both machines. The Encore Software only shows data from the second 31 to present, because I didn't download Encore until day 31 use.
Is there a way to select the first 30 days on Sleepyhead and send it to the Encore program? I only wanted it for compliance purposes, plus I believe my Dr. would rather look at Encore than Sleepyhead. I'm not a computer geek, so I hope I am making sense.
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
(12-27-2014, 12:24 PM)Galactus Wrote: Just a note, you don't have to switch the hose in the summer, you can just shut the heat off and leave the hose in place.
You gotta worry about getting those of us started that don't know whether we are coming or going as that gets very confusing very quickly.
Ok, so I will keep the heated hose on in the summer, and just change the settings. This should revert back to System One settings. Right?
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
Yep you go into clinical turn off heated hose and turn System One humidity. The heated hose can still be used but it wont automatically kick in too heated hose mode when its plugged in if its shut off in clinical.
That is also when you will need to tell the machine its using a 15mm hose manually. I ran like that all summer because the heated hose was too warm.
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
(12-27-2014, 02:25 PM)roe1549 Wrote: (12-27-2014, 12:24 PM)Galactus Wrote: Just a note, you don't have to switch the hose in the summer, you can just shut the heat off and leave the hose in place.
You gotta worry about getting those of us started that don't know whether we are coming or going as that gets very confusing very quickly.
Ok, so I will keep the heated hose on in the summer, and just change the settings. This should revert back to System One settings. Right?
You have a choice. You can go into the clinical settings and set it to classic humidity, this will allow you to use the heated hose, and use the dial to set humidity. Or you could leave it as it is, and just use the dial to shut off the heat, and use the settings menu to adjust the humidity.
I have yet to get to summer with the heated hose so I am not sure which I would like better. However, I have considered it, and have come to this preconceived notion; The heat settings are based on ambient temperature, with 5 being some 16 degrees above ambient, and so it seems to me that warmer air might be nice no matter the time of year. Crank the ac so it's nice like I like it, but get warmer air in my nostrils. Sounds nice  So I am going to try it and see how it goes. We have had a hot spell here of 45-50 and I still have it cranked on max 5 and 3 and I was not being steamed, it was very enjoyable. So I think I might just leave it alone.
If everyone thinks alike, then someone isn't thinking.
Everyone knows something, together we could know everything.
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
You actually have three modes of humidity not two. All with the same hose.
You can run heated hose on which is heated hose working and systemone humidity mode working together. Humidity settings must be set in the patient settings or clinical settings menu either one. settings of 1 2 3. Knob numbers are 1 thru 5 and regulate hose temp from 4 degrees above ambient at 1 to 16 degrees above ambient at 5 Turning the knob no to 0 turns off the hose and the humidifier and you go into straight passover mode
You can run System one humidity mode with the heated hose turned off in clinical. Numbers around the knob in that mode are your humidity settings. Heated hose is not operating.
You can turn off both heated hose and system one humidity and run in old style classic humidity mode. Numbers on the knob are humidity settings heated tube is off. I personally see no reason to run in this mode since it will deliver the least humidity level to the mask of any mode the machine can be run in and rain out is a thousand times more likely in this mode.
Never had rainout in either system one mode or heated hose mode.
12-28-2014, 05:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2014, 05:22 PM by DocWils.)
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
We had our first snow today and temperature is to drop down to -11 C tonight, so I will try heating my hose as the bedroom is bound to cool down, since they turn the heat off late at night. Settings 3 for humidity (since I normally use setting 4 on non heated hose mode for the humidity, and this is closest, I warrant) and 2 for hose heat - let's see how it goes......
RE: Philips Respironics System One PRS1 Heated Tube Upgrade Kit for Humidifier Series 60
Still waiting to hear back on my end bout Medicare coverage. Am getting tired of waiting, but $75 bucks is a chunk in my book, that I'd rather not pay if I don't have to. I've gone back to 'classic" (with rain-out) to stop my nose bleeds...
*I* am not a DOCTOR or any type of Health Care Professional. My thoughts/suggestions/ideas are strictly only my opinions.
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