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Pimples inside nose
Pimples inside nose
Hello all!
Anyone else getting flare ups of acne in the nasal passages?
I was wondering if this is related in any way to the use of the CPAP mask?
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RE: Pimples inside nose
My first sarcastic thought was "Well, stop putting chocolate up your nose!". But I decided to not mention that.

You have a nasal mask, not nasal pillows? If so, then I don't see how CPAP would cause nasal pimples. Pimples are due to oil and etc. I guess maybe the dryness would cause the pores to clog maybe....

I've not had any acne issues inside the nostrils. I have where the mask rests, but not inside.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Pimples inside nose
I will occasionally get one in side my nose. Have long before CPAP. Usually ingrown hairs. If you were using nasal PILLOWS that stick up in sode, I might see that but not with a mask.

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RE: Pimples inside nose

I have resmed nasel mask and have this problem really badly sometimes!! Pimples inside my nose with no head or anything but super painful and annoying!!! Best thing i have realized is to leave them alone as at first i tried to attack them and they would just get worse!! I also sometimes put some sort of soothing ointment on the area but other wise just try and ignore them but would welcome any advice from other people with this problem too!

I use my mask 8 hours every night pretty much and have lost 42kgs since getting it at the end of 2021 so its changed my life but the pimples are SUPER annoying
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RE: Pimples inside nose
Applying Lanisoh or other lanolin nipple cream for nursing mothers to the sores helps quite bit. It will not affect the silicone of your mask and will help soothe the pimples and protect your nose. 

Just a few more things to ponder…

You may have the mask too tight, which forces the cushions into or against your nostrils, where it rubs against your nose. There are times we over-tighten our masks thinking it will stop leaks. I think of mask fitting as needing to have the mask just resting against my face with minimal slack. When CPAP pressure is applied the mask cushions inflate, sealing against the skin. If it moves when you lay down, consider your pillow as well as your mask. Moving your head to the edge and having the mask off the pillow will stop it getting pushed around. A CPAP pillow with divots for the mask works well.

Think about how you manage the hose. If it is wedged against or under something when you move it will get tugged on, which will likely displace your mask.
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RE: Pimples inside nose
Sounds like you have an overactive staph colony in your nose. It's common enough, but any small amount of irritation can lead to sores that flare up. The way to fix it is to put some antibacterial ointment on a q-tip and wipe it around the inside of your nose, making sure to get some in the little pocket up front. Do it twice a day for a week, and that should get the staph colony under control and the sores will go away shortly thereafter.
Look, I'm an engineer, not a doctor! Please don't take my opinion as a substitute for medical advice.
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RE: Pimples inside nose
First thing I could think of is an obstinate infection. I would ask a doctor first before self-treating. You might need a prescription for special stuff.
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RE: Pimples inside nose
No relation to APAP/CPAP (for me) but a couple of these sound exactly like (and one states that it is) ingrown nose hairs that I have gotten from time to time long before starting APAP. Extremely painful, very slow to head up, if ever, and I usually (not the medically approved method at all)  end up digging at wherever they start to show on the outside until I can get the hair out, which takes days to weeks. When I asked a Doctor about it once (wanting to get some fancy medical way of making them head up faster or get the hair out earlier) all they would suggest was taking antibiotics, which of course does nothing to get the hair out, it just treats a tertiary symptom.
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RE: Pimples inside nose
(04-24-2024, 11:19 PM)BoxcarPete Wrote: Sounds like you have an overactive staph colony in your nose. It's common enough, but any small amount of irritation can lead to sores that flare up. The way to fix it is to put some antibacterial ointment on a q-tip and wipe it around the inside of your nose, making sure to get some in the little pocket up front. Do it twice a day for a week, and that should get the staph colony under control and the sores will go away shortly thereafter.

This.  It is almost certainly folliculitis.  I get it on my chest, or used to, when the spring came and I began to sweat there in the higher heat.  The cure, for skin (NOT FOR your nose!!!) is an anti-bacterial soap, something like Tersaseptic or whatever they're selling/calling it these days. For the nose, you'll need to run it past your doc and use what she sez.

And keep your fingers outta yer nose!  Big Grin
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