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AHI under control...how about ODI?
AHI under control...how about ODI?
I have my AHI now averaging  .68 in February.

My ODI is constantly over 5.0.
Is this cause for concern?

Here are the Jan2018 numbers:

Average Events /night = 59
Average ODI = 7.5  (range is 2.4 to 14.2)
Average number of desats <88% per night = 3.6
Had 2 nights in Jan  with over 20 minutes of <88% O2 (one of those was 55 min).

After 68 days of therapy, I am feeling less tired and my headaches are gone. [Image: dancing.gif]
But do I need to concern myself with these O2 numbers?
Began APAP 11/28/17
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
If your SpO2 is still dropping that far, for that long, and OSA appears to be treated, then you'd qualify for O2 to be added to your cpap. might have to visit the sleep lab for insurance purposes though...
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
(02-07-2018, 02:30 PM)dmeRT Wrote: If your SpO2 is still dropping that far, for that long, and OSA appears to be treated, then you'd qualify for O2 to be added to your cpap.  might have to visit the sleep lab for insurance purposes though...

What could be causing this hypoxia?
Began APAP 11/28/17
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
lung disease?  do you smoke, have COPD, emphysema?  

Thoracic abnormalities?  Neuromuscular disease?  

Good question for your Dr.    Smile
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
I believe that GERD was/is responsible for my problems with low SpO2.

When first diagnosed with OSA my oxygen was below 90% for 100% of time sleeping. The only thing that made any sense to me was the GERD I knew I had but wasn't taking very seriously.
Once I made the changes to address the GERD, my SpO2 during the night got a lot better. Now it doesn't go below 90% when I use my APAP. Overall, it has improved about 4%.
The things I have done to improve my GERD are:
Loose weight
Take PPIs once in a while.
Change diet.
Raise head of bed.
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
+1 on going to see your Doctor.
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RE: AHI under control...how about ODI?
(02-07-2018, 04:07 PM)Mogy Wrote: I believe that GERD was/is responsible for my problems with low SpO2.

When first diagnosed with OSA my oxygen was below 90% for 100% of time sleeping. The only thing that made any sense to me was the GERD I knew I had but wasn't taking very seriously.
Once I made the changes to address the GERD, my SpO2 during the night got a lot better. Now it doesn't go below 90% when I use my APAP. Overall, it has improved about 4%.
The things I have done to improve my GERD are:
Loose weight
Take PPIs once in a while.
Change diet.
Raise head of bed.

Mogy, don't think I have GERD. (Although I have raised my sleeping position with a pillow wedge before starting APAP ).

Also, have no known lung disease, COPD, asthma; nor do I smoke.

I do see somewhat normal with o2 in the 90%s (but still over 5.0 ODI) nights most of the time...then I have a really bad night for below 88% desats. This makes for higher averages that you might suspect. So I might have 25 nights in the 5-10 ODI range, and then for 3 or 4 nights have 10-15 ODI with a lot of 88% desats.

I, of course will ask the doctor (she already is aware of my first month or so of data) when I see her on the 24th of this month.
I did have a brain MRI, but any atrophy was mild.
I did have cardiac test, and have a good ejection fraction, but grade 1 Left Vent Diastolic Dysfunction. (I am suspicious that this might be the cause of the o2 problem).

I have to assume that any nighttime arousals that I have are due to this O2 situation, since my AHI is not controlled and low. I don't know if a desat of 4% will wake you up, but the tiredness that remains might be tied to this!
Began APAP 11/28/17
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