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01-12-2023, 12:35 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2023, 12:37 AM by kdpatel.)
Please help me to read my chart.
I am using ResMed Air 10 from the 106 days.
But still I feel headache full days and feel sleepy full day.
I am attaching my oscar report here. I am not sure what wrong with it. can you please guide me ?
I have also tried changing the mask, Initially I am using P10 Nasal Pillow mask then try N20 Nasal mask but no help. so again using P10 Nasal Pillow mask.
Thanks Gideon for your response.
I will do it today and check for a week.
One little confusion, from chart is it possible to day if I needed Bi-pap ?
I did home study from Sleep quest and they suggest me CPAP. My insurance is very bad and my PCP also. I have purchased CPAP machine my self from Sleep quest report
First, you ARE using a BiLevel with a PS=3 thanks to your EPR=3. I do not see a need for a higher PS.
Headaches imply a possible, only a possible need for more oxygen. This is accomplished via a higher PEEP which is gained via a higher EPAP or Exhale pressure.
Is it possible you need a BiLevel, yes, but very unlikely.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter