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Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F & P Evora FFM Humidifier: Inbuilt CPAP Pressure: 9.6 CPAP Software: OSCAR
10-25-2020, 03:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2020, 03:32 PM by Snooks.)
RE: Newbee - 1st Evening Failure
Hi Guys.
I'm sorry to post so often but I feel that things are getting messy and I have lost my way a little bit. I need some further guidance as to what to change the settings to, so that I can start going forward again. I feel that I am just going in a circle the last couple of days and I need to find a solid starting point again.
Last night I went to try and get to sleep at 2230hrs, could not sleep so got up about an hour later.
I read old fishing magazines for an hour or so, got sleepy and then tried to go to sleep, which the graphs indicate that I did in approximately 15 minutes. I then had approximately an hours sleep.
CPAP Changes
At the start of the evening the EPR was set at 1. I turned the EPR off and reduced the Min Pressure from 9 to 8.6. That seemed fine and comfy when I was on the machine. Maximum pressure remained unchanged at 15, though 14 was the original setting before we trialled the EPR a couple of days ago.
I woke up at the end of the 2nd session and my mouth was incredibly dry. Like my tongue was stuck to the side of my gums and simply would not unbend. I have never had that before and obviously I must have been severely mouth breathing or something. It was actually scary.
I was unable to go back on the machine because my mouth was uncomfortable even after drinking water, milk etc. I ended up just lazing around and then fell asleep for 3hrs straight.
Again during the 1st session I seemed to feel that I forgot to breathe and that made me feel like I had a lack of air and made me uneasy and take in a huge breath through my mouth.. This seems to happen often, so could what we thought was sleep junk actually be Centrals?
Tonight's Starting Point
So where do I start tonight, what settings and what do you suggest that I change? I want to get a starting point, try that for a couple of days and then we can go back to tweaking the therapy once I feel comfortable again.
I think as a rule we're not good judges of whether we're asleep or not, particularly in transition & light sleep. I'm curious about what you see when you scroll through 2245 to the end of that first session, at about a 5 minute view scale. if you're prone to ca, some of yours may be real, judging by your description & that alone may explain your trouble falling asleep (in which case you'd benefit from an asv). it could also be that something else, like movement, is disturbing you & you're holding your breath in response. or both. or neither. point is, there might be a clue in a closer look at your flow rate.
Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F & P Evora FFM Humidifier: Inbuilt CPAP Pressure: 9.6 CPAP Software: OSCAR
10-25-2020, 04:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2020, 04:54 PM by Snooks.)
RE: Newbee - 1st Evening Failure
(10-25-2020, 04:37 PM)sheepless Wrote: I think as a rule we're not good judges of whether we're asleep or not, particularly in transition & light sleep. I'm curious about what you see when you scroll through 2245 to the end of that first session, at about a 5 minute view scale. if you're prone to ca, some of yours may be real, judging by your description & that alone may explain your trouble falling asleep (in which case you'd benefit from an asv). it could also be that something else, like movement, is disturbing you & you're holding your breath in response. or both. or neither. point is, there might be a clue in a closer look at your flow rate.
Hi Sleepless,
Thanks for the comments. I've had a very good and close look at that area and I can obviously see the graph, waves and changes etc, but I can't really understand them.
Hopefully Bonjorno may wander in and offer some advice, as he seems like a pure expert in evaluating these charts and hopefully he can explain, or outline the issues.
CA's were not mentioned during the Sleep Titration, would they not have been apparent and mentioned if they were happening then?
Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F & P Evora FFM Humidifier: Inbuilt CPAP Pressure: 9.6 CPAP Software: OSCAR
A central is anytime you stop breathing without an obstruction. You do it all the time while awake list yawning, bending over to pick up something. In sleep you stop breathing when you roll over, pull up the blanket. Most often it is NOT enough CO2. You can have any number and they can be clusters or one for the whole night
if you post some closer screenshots after 2245, maybe we'll see something.
one or 2 ca at the beginning or end of a session is almost always sleep wake junk. I see bunches of them in your screenshots so not as clear.
the reduced volume flow rate after 2245 makes me suspect you were dozing at that time but awakened, maybe by ca, maybe something else triggering the ca.
Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F & P Evora FFM Humidifier: Inbuilt CPAP Pressure: 9.6 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(10-25-2020, 05:24 PM)sheepless Wrote: if you post some closer screenshots after 2245, maybe we'll see something.
one or 2 ca at the beginning or end of a session is almost always sleep wake junk. I see bunches of them in your screenshots so not as clear.
the reduced volume flow rate after 2245 makes me suspect you were dozing at that time but awakened, maybe by ca, maybe something else triggering the ca.
Thanks for explaining that. Here is a zoomed in snip, hopefully this helps us to see the cause.
You are not understanding what a zoomed image is. In the Daily screen click on the Events tab on the left side. At the bottom of the events tab, move the slider of the View Size where the value displays 2. Now, select any event from the ones listed above the slider. If you wish to choose another time period, just left-click on the timeline below the Event Flags graph. When you are ready to capture an image, press the F12 key.
Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F & P Evora FFM Humidifier: Inbuilt CPAP Pressure: 9.6 CPAP Software: OSCAR