RE: Thyroid Troubles
I'm wondering if advocating a higher salt/sodium intake is wise based on the fact that a large percentage of us CPAPer's have hypertension and of course too much sodium is bad for that.
Also Player FWIW I had Graves disease for the better part of a year or more before I knew something was really wrong. Another possibility for you? I got out of breath going up one flight of stairs, my heart was beating quite quickly, and I was trembling a bit which slowly kept getting worse until I couldn't even sign my name (and other symptoms that I won't go into now lol). That's when I finally went to the doctor. I have since been treated with radioactive iodine to 'nuke' my thyroid and am on meds for life.
APNEABOARD - A great place to be if you're a hosehead!!
RE: Thyroid Troubles
I did a 3rd blood test for TSH, T3 andT4. My regular GP is back and called with results. My TSH is up from the last to around 6.5. The T3 was normal and Ontario health coverage refused the T4. They apparently feel the T4 is useless so they stopped covering it. My doc has prescribed Syntharoid synthetic hormone. I don't know the dose yet. He said I don't have Hashimotos but I am not sure how he determined this.
I also have psoriasis and have read it may get better.
RE: Thyroid Troubles
You all have inflammation in your body.
RE: Thyroid Troubles
I started taking Curcumin and it has removed all my stiffness.