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Hi Cantab, looks like it arrived well on time, and you had some good results initially.
With my own el cheapo foam collar I have also noticed variable results at night.
I do use a flat pillow, rather soft.
My foam SCC sort of bunches up at the back in the occipital area.
Hence why (is that English?) I am looking for a better solution, and think the Eliminator might be it.
Whilst my SCC bunches up behind the occiput and is uncomfortable, it does force some extension of the neck.
If I spend most of my night supine I get lower AHI. Usually on nights when I didn't think I slept that deeply.
If I sleep more deeply, esp on my side with neck flexed, fetal comfy position, I still get some OA and HA but not nearly enough to worry about.
This tells me this is still positional: something that is difficult to control while I am asleep.
When I side sleep I have to scrunch up the pillow to stop the FFM from leaking and I think then after that when I go supine the pillow stays bunched up.
But I do think its' important to set the SCC to the same fit every night. On my old one I used a felt tip marker.
I think the correct SCC and pillow combination is secret, but I guess each night is different!
The lengths we have to go to! Sort of a modern version of the long necked Kayan, perhaps. Wonder if they get sleep apnea?
Nath: how high is yours: 3.5 inch or 4 inch?
Seems like there is a market out there for SCC kits with adjustable heights. Sort of like a fitpack of cpap masks with different sizes.
You'd think this is something the major cpap manufacturers would run with. Or maybe not? I definitely don't need as high pressures when I wear my SCC....'nuf said (takes off cynical cap).
Tonight I will don my Large foam neck collar.
A bit less comfy but at least I can take this off during the day!
I bought one of these "Eliminators" and getting it to my door in Canada was very expensive. Then I found it very hard to do up. I can do it up...just. It worked for me, but was uncomfortable. And the velcro wore out. I haven't replaced it.
I cut the toe off an old sock and put that around the strap. That made the strap more comfortable.
I'm using a Knightsbridge Dual Strap. It works and is more comfortable. I do find the results vary night to night and I need to be very careful how I put the KDS on and my mask on....
(Mentioning this here to give another alternative to anyone who needs one.)
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!
I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea.
(02-20-2021, 10:37 AM)DaveL Wrote: I'm using a Knightsbridge Dual Strap. It works and is more comfortable. I do find the results vary night to night and I need to be very careful how I put the KDS on and my mask on....
(Mentioning this here to give another alternative to anyone who needs one.)
Ive just ordered one from supplier 1 , NZ$ 93.14 shipped due 03/03/21