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[Product Review] F&P's "InfoSmart" software package
RE: F&P's "InfoSmart" software package
(08-13-2014, 09:31 PM)woozie38 Wrote: Cons: There's no pie chart. No respiration graphs or data. It's not intuitive and the data is displayed in a smaller dialogue box within the main page making it necessary to use the thumb sliders on the right and bottom of this dialogue box to view the full page.

There is one BIG pro I would like to add.
When this package outputs a report in PDF format, it outputs all the data on the stick. ie everything, line graphs, histograms etc. for every day from your starting date. This PDF file can then be copied to a flash drive or SD card and taken along with you when you next visit your sleep doc. I did, & it helped my doc enormously. In this respect at least it is far better than SH's printed tabulation of numeric data. Nearly every doctor has Adobe's PDF reader, few have software to read sleep data.
[Image: signature.png]Keep on breathin'
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