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RESMED F30i Mask causing pulsing on exhale
RESMED F30i Mask causing pulsing on exhale
I experience pulsing in the wall between my nasal cavity and mouth on exhale with the RESMED F30i, irrespective of what position I lie. It happens only infrequently with the RESMED F30 when laying on my back, not on my side. So far, experimenting with all the clinical settings has not revealed a solution no matter what setting I change. It would appear to be a flutter in the soft pallet caused by back pressure due to the exhaust not being able to vent from the mask fast enough? Does anyone else have this problem? I find the F30i much more comfortable than the F30 so would like to figure out a soluion.
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RE: RESMED F30i Mask causing pulsing on exhale
I had the same problem. Make sure the adjustments on both sides are even. If it continues to happen, the straps are probably a bit too loose. Tighten them just a bit, especially the lower straps. Tightening the F30i too much can cause leakage problems as well. The F30i is the best hybrid full face mask I have used, and I have several others.
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