07-21-2022, 11:58 AM
Rescan V7 download issue
I just upgraded my CPAP machine from a Resmed S9 to a AirSense 11 and the Resmed MyAir app on my phone is not giving me any details. I upgraded the Rescan program to V7.0.0.29 and having trouble downloading the patient data from the mini SD card. I tried installing the Rescan program without any driver and it will not download the data. There are No device available window pop-up with a message Connect a flow generator or data card and try again. The window explore sees my card and so does OSCAR works fine downloading the data. I uninstalled the Rescan program and reinstalled again with the 3 drivers options. Same result and the Rescan cannot recognize the mini sd card. Can anyone help me to resolve my problem? Thanks.