Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I'm new to CPAP since May 1, 2017. Was okay for a few weeks but developed cough and bronchitis late May and ended up on steroids and antibiotics in June and steroids again in July. Still has not cleared up. Never had any lung issues prior to that. I clean mask, humidifier, and hose every night, even bought So Clean a few weeks ago so I know it's not an issue with me cleaning CPAP.
I've noticed that my machine empties the entire humidifier tank every night, I've measured tank and it holds 12 oz of water. My lungs were so painful I could barely breathe. The medical supply company told me Resmed claims I'm using more water because I have air leaks even though I'm getting mid-90's and a few 100's on their MyAir App. My lungs can't take anymore of this.
I've cut down on the amount of water I put in, less than half of the reservoir, I've taken it off auto for humidity level and set it to level 2 for humidity and changed tube temperature from auto to 68 degrees. It still empties tank every night. I'm going to stop using machine until this is resolved and see if it helps my lungs.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I have the same machine, with heat off and humidity on 2, and I barely use any water. I fill below the minimum line, and wake up with just a splash of water left in the tank. It's just a guess, but I think the heater under your tank is malfunctioning.
08-28-2017, 07:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2017, 07:06 AM by silversnore.)
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
MyAir is not going to give you an accurate leak rate. Why don't you download the Sleepyhead Software from the top of this page, it will give you much more info on leaks and much more detail of how your therapy is going. You don't have to use the humidifier at all, simply turn it off. Much better solution than not using your machine. How cold is your bedroom, the colder the more humidity your machine will generate?
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
Just a thought - the tank isn't leaking is it?
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I have the airsense 10 auto. I run the humidifier wide open I use about 3/4 of the tank. You ont have to use the humidifier you can simply turn it off its there for you comfort. Also if you download sleepyhead and post the chart it would be helpful. That way others can read and give you advice on how to improve things for you.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I got the leak rate from my medical supply respiratory therapist and claimed she call ResMed rep. I've left a message this morning to again complain.. I used the machine last night with the humidifier off and line temperature at 68 degrees. I live in the Midwest so my air conditioning in on now and I keep A/C at 74 degrees at night. Thanks for your help, I'm hoping I can get this resolved. I will need in winter with heat on.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I tried the same thing, set humidity level at 2 and line temperature at 68 degrees so heater should not be running if it's below room temperature, but I'll turn it on and see if it is getting hot with the temperature so low.
The tank is not leaking, I have it on a wood nightstand so I would see damage, and based on how horrible my lungs feel I think the full tank is going through my lungs. I've been on Mucinex on and off since mid-June. I didn't use humidifier last night, it was a little dry but I guess it's better than not using machine.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
I'm curious about this issue too. I'm going to pay better attention to the amount of water used by the humidifier. I have to add some water every day.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
Are you also new to CPAP, I'm wondering if this is issue with this machine? I felt fine for a few weeks, but I've felt terrible since about 3rd week of using. My voice is constantly hoarse and my lungs were so full of moisture I had trouble inhaling, then developed bronchitis in 3rd week, no doubt caused by CPAP.
I'm a side sleeper, so I've been having issues with mask leaking. I'm on my third CPAP pillow and about the fifth mask. I love the Resmed P-10 but the headgear is not adjustable, not sure what they were thinking when they designed it other than selling more headgear, very frustrating.
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Using Full Water Tank Every Night
Yes, I am new to CPAP. I got my machine last Tuesday (8/22/17).
My air temperature is 71° and the humidity level is 5. In the morning there is maybe a 1/4 inch of water in the container. That's after filling it up to the Max line. Tomorrow I have an appointment with some sleep medicine person at the clinic. I was told to bring the machine with me. I'll bring this issue up with him. My RT told me the water should last several days.