(12-26-2015, 01:59 PM)HowieS Wrote: I've just started using MyAir, 4 days now, and find the information to be less that useful. The weigthing of their scoring system seem to be way off, IMO. I've also been using Sleeyhead. It gives me much more information.
The MyAir site is designed to encourage you and tell you you are doing great so you will stay on their machine. Not entirely a bad thing, but still simplistic in comparison to SleepyHead.
It gives 70% of it's score to sleep hours and only 5% for your AHI with 7 hours enough to get you the full score there. A slightly odd choice, IMO, but I generally look at it every day although I ignore and delete the emails that tell me I've won my 7,256th "gold medal".
Compliance for insurance generally requires at least 4 hours sleep and an AHI under 5. That's the one that counts if it's an insurance company you want to buy you a machine.
Otherwise I use SleepyHead to try and suss out what's really going on.
Part cow since February 2018.
Trust your mind less and your brain more.