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New Metric in OSCAR
New Metric in OSCAR
Is there anyway to manually allow a user to input sleep position into a new chart on OSCAR where the user could input one of five options for time frames:  Supine, left, right, stomach, or upright based on the time frame of sleep recorded?  I am using a Wyze camera to monitor my sleep some nights.  I probably end up in 8-10 different positions through a session.  It wouldn't take long to identify cut off points of specific positions and input those times. It would be cool to have them color codes such as red for supine, blue for left or whatever.  Then they could be overlayed in other charts and have a quicker way of identifying positional implications related to sleep issues. Ideally it would be from a recorded, downloadable data device, but I don't have one nor know of one.  This would be a bit time consuming, but relatively easily done by scanning 7-8 hrs of sleep quickly in retrospect.   I know it's way easier said than done, but I figured I'd toss it out there. I'm sure I'm not the first to ask. lol..
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RE: New Metric in OSCAR
What about a user overlay channel that would accept (timecode,data) key pairs and it would be up to the user to format and range check their own data? Just thinking out loud as it is not a trivial matter to overly complicate the current Oscar offering.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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RE: New Metric in OSCAR
The manual entry of data leads to interesting possibilities. I would like to enter sleep stage data from my FitBit, for example.

OSCAR already has those categories - because at one time devices were available that created the data. So all that remains is creating a way to manually input that data. Given the size of our 'staff', I'm afraid it will remain a back burner item. OTOH, it's an itch, so somebody may come along and scrathit - in the way of all volunteer projects.
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RE: New Metric in OSCAR
A quick thought.
Maybe entering the data as a event.
events have a time stamp and data.

just an idea.
got to go
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