There looked like there were some flow peaks that indicated flow limitation(my flow limit graph was zero all night though) so I made a tiny adjustment last night and increased to EPAP 10.6 IPAP 14.2. At PS >= 4 I noticed an increase in CA events so I thought a small increase in total pressure was a better idea than increasing PS. There was a substantial difference in my flow rate graph, aerophagia was really bad this morning, and I woke up feeling worse.
1. Is this something that my body might get used to if I leave it on or should I drop back the pressure to 10.4/14?
2. Do those peaks in the first nights diagram indicate flow limit?
3. Looking at the green line from the first diagram, this paper describes that type of shape as a collapse in the airway followed by a reopening of the airway. If that was the case I would expect mask pressure to increase during airway collapse, and decrease when the airway reopened. However it looks like mask pressure does the opposite. Any idea what this means?